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ንዝኺሪ ስውእ ጅግና ስዩም ዕቕባሚካኤል

ዓመታት ኣቑጺሩ ካብ ዝኽወል ገጽካ ድምጽኻ ጠፊኡ እቲ ምቁር ቃልካ ይሓይሽ ዶልካዮ ጽምዋ መሪጽካ ጻዕጺዑ በርቲዑ ቃልሲ ብድሕሬኻ ኣይመቀረን ቃልሲ ንስኻ ዘየለኻ ምትግባሩ ከቢዱና ናይ ቃልሲ ትልምኻ ኣይተረኸበን ዝትክእ ንዓኻ ኤርትራ ኣይወለደትን ሓቦኛ ከማኻ ተባላሓቲ ዘተግብር ራኢኻ ንጽዕር ኣሎና ክንፍጽም ለበዋኻ እታ ተካል መዓልቲ ሎሚ

ዓመታት ኣቑጺሩ ካብ ዝኽወል ገጽካ

ድምጽኻ ጠፊኡ እቲ ምቁር ቃልካ

ይሓይሽ ዶልካዮ ጽምዋ መሪጽካ

ጻዕጺዑ በርቲዑ ቃልሲ ብድሕሬኻ

ኣይመቀረን ቃልሲ ንስኻ ዘየለኻ

ምትግባሩ ከቢዱና ናይ ቃልሲ ትልምኻ

ኣይተረኸበን ዝትክእ ንዓኻ

ኤርትራ ኣይወለደትን ሓቦኛ ከማኻ

ተባላሓቲ ዘተግብር ራኢኻ

ንጽዕር ኣሎና ክንፍጽም ለበዋኻ

እታ ተካል መዓልቲ ሎሚ ትዝ ትብለኒ

ብተለፎን መስዋትኻ ከርድኡኒ

ስዩም ተሰዊኡ ምስበሉኒ

ልበይ ጠፊኡሊ ትንፋስ ሓጺሩኒ

ዓይነይ ጠሊሙኒ ጽልግልግ በለኒ

ምጻሩ ስኢነ ዓቕለይ ጸበበኒ

ዓለም ተውደኤት መሲሉኒ

ከይደቀስኩ ሃተፍ-ተፍ ሓዘኒ

ተካል ስማዕ ኢዩ ነይሩ ምቕባሉ ስኢነ

ሓበሬታ ክቕይር ፈቲነ ሓሊነ

ክቕይሮ ኣይካኣልኩን ብዝጊሄር ዝኾነ

ሕማቕ ወረ ነይሩ ዘሰንብድ ዘባህርር

ብኸመይ እዩ መይቱ ምእማኑ ዘሸግር

ጥሒሻ ዶ ኣይነበርካን ትሓልፎ ንሽግር

ሞቑሕ ናይ ጸላኢ ትብጥስ ትሰብር

ኣታ እዛ ሞትስ ክንደይከ ትደፍር

ንጀጋኑ ኣብ ትሕቲ መሬት ተንብር

ንስድራቤት ጅግና ሕቖኦም ትሰብር

ብእግሪ ተኽሊኻ ቃልሲ ዝጀመረካ

ንውጹዕ ህዝብኻ ዝተዋረድካ ዝተኣሰርካ

ናይ ዓዲ-ዃላ መቑሕ ዝበንጠስካ ዝሰበርካ

ንመዋእልካ ዕጥቅኻ ዘየውረድካ

ንኹሉ ፈተናታት ጠሓሒስካ

ዋይ ስዩማይ እዛ ደረቐኛ ሞት እባ ሰዓረትካ

ብድሕሬኻ ጉባኤታት ተገይሩ

ዘበገስካዮ ስምረት ኣተግቢሩ

ግንባር ናብ ሰልፊ ኣሰጋጊሩ

ኣገባብ ቃልሲ ኣማዕቢሉ ኣተግቢሩ

ንስርዓ ህግድፍ ካብ ስሩ በንቊሩ

ቅዋማዊ መንግስቲ ንምትካል ኣብ ሃገሩ

ስዩማይ ስጋኻ እምበር ሞያኻ መዓስ ተቐቢሩ

ኣብ ጉዕዞ ቃልሲ ዝተበንቆሰ

ኣብ ዓዲ ጓና ሓመድ ዝለበሰ

ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ሓርነት ከየልበሰ

ፍትሒ ዲሞክራሲ ከየንገሰ

ምህርቲ ቃልሱ ከይሓፈሰ

ንደቁን ስድራኡን ከይኮስኮሰ

ዲክታቶር ኤርትራ ከየፍረሰ

ስዩም ስውኣት ከርክብ ኣንጊሁ ገስገሰ

ጭቆና ካብ ሃገሩ ከየባረረ

ዲክታቶርነት ኲዒቱ ከይቀበረ

ኣብ ኣዳራሽ ዓዱ ከይመደረ

ነጻነት ሃገሩ ከየስተማቐረ

ስዩም ጂግና ብሞት ተሳዓረ

ስዩም ዓሪፍካ እምበር ኣይሞትካን

ተሰዊእካ እምበር ኣይካሓድካን

ጭቡጥ ኣብ መትከሉ ሰንከልከል ኣይበልካን

ጸኒዕካ ኣጽኒዕካ እምበር ኣይሃደምካን

ብጊዝያዊ ጠቕሚ ኣይተታለልካን

ዓለም ጠሊማታካ እምበር ንስኻስ ደኺመ ኣይበልካን

ስዩማይ ውላድ ሰውራ ውፍይ ንሃገሩ

ጸላእትኻ ብድምጽኻ ዝብህርሩ

ንሰላም ዝጣበቕ ተገቲሩ

ፍትሒ ከንግስ ኣብ ሃገሩ

ኣብ ዘይማዓልቱ ብሞት ተሳዒሩ

ዘይነቅዕ ከውሒ ዕረ ንጸላእቱ

ስለፍትሒ ብህጻኑ መኪቱ

መዝገብ ቃላት ነይርካ ዋልታ ንብጾቱ

ንህዝቡ ዘወፈየ ንእስነቱ

ሓመድ ካብ ዝድፈን ኣቚጺሩ 10 ዓመታቱ

ኣነስ ጌና ኣይኣመንኩን ስዩም ብሓቂ ዲዩ ሞቱ

ከይፈጸሞ መደብ ትልሚታቱ

በሉ ኣቶም ተረፍቲ ተመልከቱ

ከምኣ ኢያ ዓለም፡ ዓለም ከንቱ

ሞት ዘይትተርፍ ኩልና ሰዓብቱ

ሕማቕ ዕድል ደድሕሪኡ ሲዒባ ሰበይቱ

ሃየ ንቐጽሉ ዘበገሶ ትልሚታቱ

ብጊዝያዊ ጠቕሚ ቅዱስ ዕላማ ከይትስሕቱ

ስዩም ካብ ከድካ ዕረፍቲ ካብ መረጽካ

ደርቢኻልና ካብ ከድካ ናይ ዘመናት ትልሚታትካ

ኣምላኽ ይሓግዘና ክንቅጽሎ መደባትካ

ረኺብካዮም ዶ ስውኣት ብጾትካ

ሓቢርካዮም ዶ ኩነታት ሃገርካ

እንታይ ድኣ በለ ወደዳዊት መራኸብቲ ጸገምካ

ረኺብካዮ ዶ ሚካኤል ጋብር ብጻይካ

ረኺብካዮ ዶ ሙሴኸ ጀማሪ ምሳኻ

ቅሰን ኣጆኻ ክንቅጽሎ ኢና ዕላማኻ

መንግስተ-ሰማያት የውርስካ ምስ ኩሎም ስውኣት ብጾትካ

ብዲሞክራስያዊ ጥርናፈ ተቐይድና

ንቕዱስ ዕላማ ንድሕነት ህዝብና

ኣብዝሓ ሰልፊታት መስሪትና

ስርዓት ሕጊ ከነንግስ ኣብ ሃገርና

ሕድሮም ክይጥለም ጀጋኑ ስውኣትና

ትልሚታትካ ክንቅጽሎ መብጽዓ ይዂነና።

ክብርን ዝኽርን ንስውኣትና

ኢደይ-ኢድካ ኢልና ንህግድፍ ንምእላይ ንቃለስ


ወልደስላሴ ገብረመድህን








Review overview
  • Berhe Tenesea December 21, 2015

    Seyoum, was a very courageous and smart person. The loss and the absence of such talented people have enabled the worst enemy of the people to remain in power.
    It is very sad to witness that people who have paid dearly are buried outside the country that they fought.
    The worst enemy of the people and his yes men will pay dearly sooner or later
    Long live the memory of Seyoum.

  • k.tewolde December 22, 2015

    A beautiful tribute to a prolific,authentic,original Eritrean fighter, and political scientist.God bless his soul, and so many unsung heroes/heroins like him who gave it all they got.

  • ERITRAWIT December 22, 2015

    People pass but the name and what they have done remain forever.

  • AHMED SALEH !!! December 22, 2015

    Seyoum HARESTAY
    One of Eritrean unsung heroes who gave their life bigger than themselves
    for the sake of their people represent the true character of our people
    long history of dedication and honor .
    Great men inspired us to recognize moral obligation for common good
    based in principle and to stay loyal only to that principle .
    Eritrea lost many patriots that can make difference that paved the
    path to corrupted and cowards individuals to take over for control .
    These young generation must follow their history of bravery that
    started at their young age years .

  • aus 17 December 25, 2015

    you have had many good things and observed right things which many couldn’t see. But some times I feel your friends of the same school in Asmara took emotional and nostalgic events as given and took more steps than they ever manage, or better know about, let alone understand the depth, and the dark well of some personality figures of the ex- sahil rule who pretend lean hands like pilatos (peter). But every Child know who they are and how instrumental were they to this system.