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Eritrean Demonstration in Berlin 29.01.2013

The Leadership of the Eritrean National Council for Democratic Change is calling upon all Eritrean Communities in all continents - all political Organizations, Civic Societies, Human Right Organizations, youth and women associations, faith communities, Eritrean

The Leadership of the Eritrean National Council for Democratic Change is calling upon all Eritrean Communities in all continents – all political Organizations, Civic Societies, Human Right Organizations, youth and women associations, faith communities, Eritrean media, Eritrean social networks – and also the international community to actively and effectively participate in the Berlin Demonstration, In SUPPORT to the initiative taken by our Sister Ms Gergshu Yohannes.

We Support her courageous action in order to exert all necessary pressure together on all Governments concerned  – of EGYPT, Sudan, Israel, Yemen, Djibouti –  and in particular on the Eritrean Regime, demanding and working towards the immediate cessation of all Human Rights violation perpetuated against the Eritrean people and refugees.

In this respect to bring to justice the PEOPLE TRAFFICKERS and those who have committed atrocities and crimes against humanity, and in particular to stop organ trade and kidnappings.

Leadership of the Eritrean National Council

Review overview
  • Thomas January 26, 2013

    PLEASE, dear Leadership of the Eritrean National Council for Democratic Change & dear readers, do NOT add on more and more political ideas onto the Berlin demo on 29th-Jan-2013. WE are only begging and demanding for the VICTIMS of horrific things that happen in Sinai and in prisons in Egypt, we beg and demand them to get rescued. THEY have NO voices but to shout on telephone during torture, and even WE do not have voices loud enough to cry. WHO is victim in Egypt is NOT the question. WHO is victim abroad, i.e. in Germany, NL, GB, N, CH etc etc — this could be a family of PFDJ members & supporters as well as a family of PFDJ ‘enemies’. PLEASE, do NOT fight against each other so ‘blindly’ while these things happen in Sinai & Egypt. If you do like PIA – you are invited to come to Berlin. If you don’t like PIA – you are invited to come to Berlin. If you are politically uninterested – you are invited to come to Berlin. PLEASE …

  • Warsay January 27, 2013

    Thank you Thomas!

    Yes, we have to differentiate between political and humanitarian mission. Gergishu’s initiative has definitely a humanitarian nature. Therefore my appeal to the political organizations or individuals, please let the Demo be a pure humanitarian. Then we will not succeed otherwise as the MAKERS behind the scene have conspired the SINAI-Phenomenon.