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Open let­ter to Chris­tine N. Umu­toni, UN Resident/​Humanitarian Coor­di­na­tor in Eritrea

Chris­tine N. Umu­toni UN Resident/ Humanitarian Coor­di­na­tor & UNDP Res­i­dent Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Asmara, Eritrea Dear Ms. Umu­toni, This is to reg­is­ter my deep­est regret at repeated state­ments you’ve made in sup­port of the Eritrean regime, the most bru­tal sys­tem of

Chris­tine N. Umu­toni
UN Resident/ Humanitarian Coor­di­na­tor & UNDP Res­i­dent Rep­re­sen­ta­tive
Asmara, Eritrea

Dear Ms. Umu­toni,

This is to reg­is­ter my deep­est regret at repeated state­ments you’ve made in sup­port of the Eritrean regime, the most bru­tal sys­tem of gov­ern­ment our peo­ple have had to endure for more than two decades.

As you’re well aware, the Human Rights Com­mis­sion (HRC) ren­dered its ver­dict in a final report of a painstakingly- documented pat­tern of egre­gious human rights vio­la­tions in the coun­try.

The com­bined crimes of Eritrea’s pre­vi­ous col­o­niz­ers pale in com­par­i­son to the level of atroc­i­ties, impris­on­ments, phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal abuse and wan­ton dis­re­gard for life per­pe­trated by the PFDJ.

While you’re at lib­erty to dis­cuss views con­sis­tent with your assign­ment as a UN rep, you have repeat­edly veered off to polit­i­cal ter­ri­to­ries that under­mine your cred­i­bil­ity as a mem­ber of the world body.

The objec­tives of your assign­ment are chiefly to sup­port the women and chil­dren of Eritrea, iron­i­cally the two con­stituents that are the most griev­ously impacted by the regime’s open- ended con­scrip­tion, impris­on­ment with­out trial, shoot- to- kill pol­icy, mass immi­gra­tion and dan­ger and death across the Sahara and the Mediter­ranean waters.

We Eritre­ans are cur­rently alarmed and dis­traught at the loss of thou­sands of our peo­ple who are leav­ing the coun­try, hun­dreds per­ish­ing in the seas while oth­ers fall prey to unscrupu­lous mer­chants of human organs and traf­fick­ing.

The sin­gu­lar cause of our cur­rent cri­sis is the regime of Isa­ias Afw­erki, a dic­ta­to­r­ial ruler whose gov­ern­ment you have pub­licly and repeat­edly sup­ported. No such diplo­mat or mem­ber of regional or inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tion has endorsed this tyran­ni­cal regime in a nation that is con­sis­tently referred as the North Korea of Africa.

Indeed, so rare and few are its sup­port­ers that the gov­ern­ment has repeat­edly fea­tured you as a char­ac­ter ref­er­ence dur­ing pub­lic events includ­ing when com­mu­ni­cat­ing with the inter­na­tional media.

One can under­stand and even appre­ci­ate a for­eign official’s reluc­tance to get involved in the inter­nal affairs of a host nation. Much to our dis­may, you have opted instead to stand squarely behind the gov­ern­ment, giv­ing suc­cor and com­fort to one of the most noto­ri­ous despots in the world.

As a con­cerned cit­i­zen, I would like to inform you that your com­ments under­mine our cur­rent strug­gle to remove the dic­ta­tor­ship and install a demo­c­ra­tic sys­tem of gov­ern­ment. At the very least, we would like you to main­tain a neu­tral stand by stick­ing exclu­sively to your domain of exper­tise and assign­ment.

Rus­som Mes­fun

Host & Editor- in- Chief
Face The Ere­s­pora

Review overview
  • alem March 26, 2017

    When ever a kenyan personel is appointed to any post, the higher the bider is always the winner. I lived with them long enough to know them more than anything else.

  • Z. Hagos March 27, 2017

    In unopen societies under dictators like Isaias, no one is free be it a foreigner or even a UN representative to speak against the dictator’s policies. Eritrea of Isaias as a country supported by countries like Qatar, which uses its wealth to bribe and buy votes at the UN, is ready to pay whatever asked for to campaign for good name and to cover up the crimes of Isaias. The dictator Isaias despite all Saudi and Qatari supports has failed to manifest the minimum needed values of respect for humanity in Eritrea. As a result, all monies paid failed to make any change because the world body has given deaf ear to all the misrepresented facts presented by those bribed people such as this Kenyan lady.
    Already all those who came to help the dictator to solve his problems gave up and abandoned him. All South American countries including China and Russia warned the dictator Isaias to stop his economic plots against his people to least qualify for their support. Those plots are in Isaias’s blood because he hates the Eritrean people and those countries that wanted to help the Eritrean people and not the dictator were forced to change their position at the UN. Now, they are pushing to hand Isaias over to the International Criminal Court.

    • Gezae March 29, 2017

      This comment is group think jargon.My concern here is that as not stand-alone article, which gives far too much opportunity to the fake justice seekers to lie. The majority of the population figured out years ago that it’s all lies made of nonsense to fool the innocent common people who refuse to be a sheep any longer!
      I will argue that this is all speculation based on probable causes and motives and of course, one’s bias. I, for one, do not consider it to be any sort of truth. But potential a nasty kick of crap; I just wasted two minutes and thirty-five seconds of my spare time to read this baloney. Still you believe all of the crap. I want a refund.. Open your eyes to the truth.

  • k.tewolde March 27, 2017

    The tyrant got the people’s money stashed away and he buying anything with it including surrogates like her.That is what Putin is doing buying surrogates even here in the heartland encroaching deep into the oval office,the dirty power of money,it will make you speak Swahili even if you don’t have the vocal cords for it.

  • hidat March 31, 2017


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