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  • windshield December 18, 2014

    A nice try…. portraying the leadership as stooges.Your ignorance? We haven’t seen football players wearing an eyeglass!!!!!! You damn donkeys…at least you should have respected them as dictated by Eritrean culture.

    • ERITRAWIT December 18, 2014

      That is the problem with is people they are dump they don’t even know the rule of foot ball not alone running the country kkkk. good day!!!

    • alem December 18, 2014

      You are correct we Eritreans are very respectful people but at the same time after analyzing the truth we call it as we see it. The team you are looking at is a team of murderess, thieves, criminals, prostitutes well decorated and stained by the blood of innocent Eritreans.

    • Adulis December 18, 2014

      This picture was taken before the tournament. As soon as the tournament kicked off all of them will be bench. As usual the goal keeper, defender, midfielder and attacker is Isayas himself. Thus taking off the eyeglasses is not that much necessary.

  • TeAzabi December 18, 2014

    The ’11-2′ Super-Stooges are the ones that have led Eritrea to failure and disaster.

    Stooge #1 — The Fascist Capo of the ruling Mafia in Eritrea, Isayas Afeworki, aka the butcher of Sahil. In the cartoon he is #11.

    The two stooges, #6 (Osman) and #3 ( Amin) are, yes, stooges but of the toothless one who are just figurehead tokens put in power by the fascist mafia capo, Isayas Afeworki.

    Now what Eritrean culture demands respect for these reprehensible criminals?

  • AHMED SALEH !!! December 18, 2014

    The captain of Highi-ghdef team requested a match
    with Deleyti Fithi team . But unfortunately we
    couldn’t manage to organize a united strong team
    to challenge the only untested organization in the country at this moment .
    Stay tuned for official report if progress has been made at the meeting of opposition parties
    to challenge opponents starting from HGDF and
    others . Till then championship belong to our
    untouched NIHNA-NSU team according sport rule .

  • Alem December 20, 2014

    Originally in Gereger it was “Ganta Tifat Eritrea, Ganta Eray Miray”.

  • aus 17 December 21, 2014

    since all football players have deserted and defected to fleeing the country, can I expect the new football team will follow the same highway?
    By the way, I have heard that they also increased the duration of exit visa TEN YEARS, is it a joke or is a wish of president Isayas for so long time -yet to stay in power?
    I think it’s First April in advance!