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Review overview
  • Berhe Tensea December 23, 2017

    Thank you Mr Kibrom Dafla,
    This program was heard by about 50 people in peoples friendly cafe , and we were very happy about this .
    Mr Kibrom yours and Miriam”s effort is bearing fruit .
    Here in Canada pfdj is working using few puppets under the cover of few community organizations.
    They are also using guest speakers who have American citizenship who pretend to be private visitors.
    In other words pfdj is working under the table only.
    Pfdj operatives are also trying to infiltrate churches especially in Toronto where peoples”s attendance in hundreds .
    Pfdj operatives also comes to beg church administrators to read for them letters that call for attending meetings, if POSSIBLE after church services..
    The mafia regime”s representative in Holland is becoming like in Canada..
    The mafia regime is under attack on all corners , and it is running out of time.
    Death to the grand son of Bashai Lema, who is looting Eritrea”s wealth.

  • jommy December 23, 2017

    THANK YOU MR.Kibrom
    As always you explanation true and logical’
    my comment here is .how long are we going to talk and comment when ever news has developed.
    it has been almost 27 years since the so called independence was achieved, the Eritrean people are suffering ,killed and imprisoned, and yet we are just talking in radios and mass media .
    why don’t we learn from History.
    WE learn in history. THOSE COUTRIES THAT HAVE a ruthless Dictator like Edi Amin of UGANDA ,GADAFFI of Libya to mention a Few.. those countries got read from their cruel leaders with the help of other countries like Tanzania helped Uganda ,Europeans helped Libya..we have to beg Ethiopia help us remove this cruel blood sucker who is suffocating our dear ERITREA.
    Other wise we will still be talking on mass media for a long time to came .
    simple example we will be like NORTH KOREA..
    I suggest THIS FOR THOSE ERITREAN who have some political skills and start talking with The government of Ethiopia based in mutual respected and interest for both countries .
    this will ultimately create a peaceful environment in which both countries can fight poverty and backwardness together,

  • Amare Resom December 23, 2017

    Thank you Mr. Kebrom Dafla. Please continue your struggle until brutal dictator Isayas is no more. You are one of the icons the Eritrean people depending on to help remove the dictator and bring the rule of law.

  • Seifu December 23, 2017

    Thank you for the information regarding the 2% that the Eritrean government collect from us but my question is why did the Eritrean refugees went to Eritrean embassy in a first place? they left the country for what ever reason and once they settle down they go to all HEGDEF parties and go to the embassy to pay the 2% voluntary so they can go back home to build a house or to get marry etc nobody went to their place and force them to pay.
    I know a lot of people who home every year with Eritrean ID and never paid 2% and they don’t have a problem unless
    they want some service form the government like register their car or owing properties. I am not talking about paying 2% is legal or not I am just asking why people are angry if you don’t need any service from them don’t pay them.

  • ኣሌ December 24, 2017

    ክብረት የሃበልና ኣቦናን መካሪ መምህርናን ኣቶ ክብሮም ( ዳፍላ) ምስ ብጾትካ።

  • stefanos temolso December 24, 2017

    I hope what has been done in Holland will be repeated in other European countries namely in Norway, Sweden, Germany, Denmark and England. But for this to happen we must be well organized and present the illegality of the 2% the Mafia regime collects and the regime’s tactics in the avoidance of any action against it. The regime is very cunning and diffuses any question that would make it accountable. So, we must use the rational the Dutch govt. implemented and present it to the concerned governments. But above all we must work in unity and avoid side issues.

  • amanuel tesfai December 25, 2017

    thank kubrom Tafla thank Amanuel Eyasu good job

  • amanuel tesfai December 25, 2017

    Thank Kubrom Tafla thank you Amanuel Eyasu good job

  • Gezae December 25, 2017

    No thanks to the very corrupted money made pseudo human right activist

  • abdu December 25, 2017

    good job kebrom dafela hakejakemaka kedeshi yewelede happynew year yegeberalenaa