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Voice of Assenna: Human Rights Eritrea Debate, UK Parliament & BBC Reports about the exodus of Eritrean Children , Wed, Nov 11, 2015

Review overview
  • Gabir November 12, 2015

    Eritrean are terrorised and live under absolute fear never seen in history. Eritreans do not never had economic problem but repression. Giving foreign aid to Eritrea, as the European Union has been planning to do, will exacerbate the human tragedy in Eritrea rather than solve the problem. So, Britain should and must take necessary and bold action to alleviate the suffering of the people by pressing the leaders of the government and the mining companies which generate foreign currency for the evil government.

  • Maharena November 12, 2015

    We always hear and read that the United Nations, the European Union and now the UK parliament debating the human rights and the refugees issues but we never ever see any drastic action being taken against the brutal higdef gangsters regime in Eritrea. Eritreans want to see fast and quick action and results not non-stop useless debates.