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Voice of Assenna: Remembering Eritrean Martyrs Betrayed by the PFDJ

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  • Mesinas June 18, 2013

    እዚ ጠላም መላኺ ፍጹም ከይሓፈረ

    ምሁርን ሃብታምን ንጹህ እናሓየረ

    ዝዓንበበት ገረብ መንቊሱ እናሕረረ

    ኣብ ሓወልቲ ስውእ ኣብቲ ዝኸበረ

    ሳርያን ተኸዲኑ ዕንባባ እንተ ኣንበረ

    ይመስሎ ይኸውን ሕድሮም ዘተግበረ!

  • Kombishatato June 18, 2013

    dear assenna,

    No matter what happens to Eritrea or its politics, history will always remember you for your firm stand with the Eritrean victims in Egypt, Sudan, and Libya and for crying with the victims and echoing their cries in your modest radio program, unlike the many hypocrites and cowards in the Eritrean so called “opposition” and the supporters of the Hgdef regime.

    Thank you

  • Kombishtato June 18, 2013

    dear assenna,

    No matter what happens to Eritrea or its politics, history will always remember you for your firm stand with the Eritrean victims in Egypt, Sudan, and Libya and for crying with the victims and echoing their cries in your modest radio program, unlike the many hypocrites and cowards in the Eritrean so called “opposition” and the supporters of the Hgdef regime.

    Thank you