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Voice of Assenna: Yemane GB’s Endless Lies / ላዛታት ስነጥበብ ምስ ኣሰና – Saturday, July 25, 2015

Review overview
  • dan July 26, 2015

    Should be his name the liest man
    On ginus of world record

  • josy July 26, 2015

    Why don’t they let the human rights commission into Eritrea before trying to invite others ? Yemene was trying to beat around the bush in order to hide the truth but as we have observed the world is no more ready to buy the habitual distortions of the facts on the ground,The exodus and the situation in Eritrea is a reality show.There is almost nothing more to hide. Those days are gone only the Yemens are dwelling in the past.

  • Yerhiwo July 26, 2015

    Terrorist Berhanu Nega to Eritrea and President Obama to Ethiopia! Isaias Wedi Tembien is losing everything! He made Eritrea the most miserable country in the world. I hope the ICC is faster in taking the Crime against humanity charge ASAP. I wish you rot in jail with your cousins Monkey and Kisha.

  • rahwa July 26, 2015

    Why would a mafia monkey like yemane who has never adhered to any rule or law want to talk about an “internationally binding ruling”? The propagandist of the biggest prison on earth with over 10 thousand languishing in its cells kept shooting at his feet time and again. Monkey and his boss have never given the Eritrean people the time of day. When that brilliant journalist questioned him he was perplexed because he only knows of a world where he is not held accountable for his crimes. He must be so stupid to expect a special treatment from a media that is witnessing his regime’s horrendous atrocities against the Eritrean people, which also happens to have the freedom to ask questions and expect answers. monkey is the most stupid propagandist, a lair and a coward. But his supporters in diaspora are the most stupid of all for being fooled by a monkey like him.

  • Sarah M. July 26, 2015

    Rahwa, well said sister. We have a tigrigna saying roughly translated into english as “one (like Yemane monkey) who fakes his sleep never even wakes up to the tornado or earthquake”.

    Thus, Mr Ugly Monkey yemane is on his fake sleep and couldn’t be awaken to the fact that our Eritrea is in disaster due to his cousin Esayas’s erratic leadership, defiant to the international laws and above all his brutal treatment of our people.

    Thank you very much Mr Peter Snow of Channel 4, this is what a top journalist is all about unlike the PFDJ’s. Meskerem (Meshirefet).net is accusing Mr Peter Snow of arrogance!!!! Can you believe it????

    My last point and question would be this monkey person by the name of yemane, does he have a monkey wife and children like himself? I hope they are not faking their sleeps too!