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Assenna Pictures: Dictator Isaias’ Policy of Destruction Continues in Dae’ro Qawlos – Cry My Country, Raise Up My People !


Daero_qawlos 3



































Review overview
  • SHake April 2, 2015

    It’s truly shameful, to witness such acts of hateful crime in 2015.

  • ERITRAWIT April 3, 2015

    Isaias outrage and madness was clear for some time. He started with Tegadelti and Youth follow Military service for 65+ now houses not mentioning our people struggling to have three time meal a day. and The only thing it does surprise me when I hear “Nhna Nsew Nsew Nhna”, “Isaias zeybele kabana yfele”
    some people been filled by false propaganda I hope now is clear for them what they been told it was’t true people they opposed him for his devil manor nothing else!!!!!!!

  • Sara April 3, 2015

    ተልእኾ ኢሳያስ ነዚ ህዝቢ ምጽናት ኢዩ። ምድሪ እሾኽ ምስ እተገብራ ሰብ አፈጽ ኢሉ ይኸይድ። ገዛውቲ ብምዕናው ገዛ ኣልቦ ምስ እትኽውን፤ መንበሪን መጠወርን ምስ እትስእን ሃገርካ ገዲፍካ ትጠፍእ። በዚ ድማ እቶም ክጻብእዎ ዝኽእሉ ሰባት ሃገሮም ገዲፎም ይኸዱ፤ ንሱን ስድርኡ ድማ ነታ ሃገር ስጋብ ዘለው ይውንንዋ። ውዒላ ሓዲራ ግን ናብ ኢትዮጵያ ከምዝኣትዋ ብዙሕ ምትንባይ ዝሓትት አይኮነን። ድኽምቲ ሃገር ምስ ኮነት፤ ሰብ ኩሉ ራሕሪሕዋ ምስ ከደ ካልእ ኣማራጺ የብላን።

    አታ መንእሰይ ብዛዕባ ጸቢብ ረብሓ ክትዕቅብ ትጎይ ዘለኻ፡ ጠጠው ኢልካ ሕሰብ; ሃገርካ ሃገርካ ኢያ። ንተበልጽቲ ደርቢኻያ ትኽይድ ዘለኻ። ተወደብ። መክት። ብዛዕባ አውራጃዊ አተሓሰስባ ግደፍ፤ አውራጃ ዘይበሉ የለን። ዓላማኻ አብ አተሓሳስባ ጥራሕ ደው ይበል። ህግደፍ ብድሰደልካ ፕሮፖጋንዳን ምምቕቓል አይትደከም። አገለ ጉዛይ፡ ሰራየ፡ ሓማሴን ኩሉ ሓደ ትግርኛ ኢዩ። ባህሉ ቋንቋ ወዘተ እንታይ ኢኻ ክተውጻሉ። ይብሃል አሎ ኢልካ አይትህጸጽ; ዓላማ ወንን፡ ድኹም ፍጥረት ከይገብሩኻ ሃገር አድሕን።

  • quiky April 3, 2015

    People are emotional. This is destruction of illegal houses, stop polticising every action. Beside these houses built by refugees mainly in isreal and africa who escaped the bad treatment of the regime but decided to build house once they are out in otherwords these are the financers of the decaying regime. So well-deserved thumbs up from me.

  • Wed Ali April 3, 2015

    Dear Eritreans,

    This has always been the plan.Isaias & Co.Have Nicely Hijacked the Revolution.Deprived the people of their Land and are Currently systematically Bastardizing Eritrean DNA ( In their Image). Quite a record!

    Please Do forget about these useless walls!Afterall these are Scars in the face of Eritrea.You people can and will Build Better.

    Question here is what can be done about it?

    You have Been recycled for their evil purpose again and again.Financing the cancer for so long.

    They took you out.
    They tax you good.
    You beg to go back home.
    Spend your wefare savings in their Black market.
    Bragg about your freedom.
    Build Shitty walls.
    And now cry when PhiliDog comes knocking?

    I bet someone didnt have Breakfast that morning including those sent to do the bulldozing.

    Forget Generals and Colonels.Present booty licker and past.Isaias will do a very good job of buring them all for you.

    I just Love it when he lays them Flowers and Those next are just watching!Helpful Indeed.

    OpISaias is due…..

    We are Legion.We do not forget.We do not forgive.Expect Us.

    • Simon G. April 3, 2015

      …and you decide to use the trademark of isayas supporter website, tesfa news (TN)?

  • Wegahta Bereqe April 3, 2015

    Dictator Isaias ruined our country, our life and our values. His action is to scare us, b/c time for change is now.

  • merhawit April 3, 2015

    Isaias has quit boozing because of that goddamned liver. But he’s suffering of residuum, scientifically known as Delirium Tremens. Diagnosis: terrible frustration. Creative as he is, however, he has discovered a brand new curatorial pass-time game to vent his frustrations. It’s called the Wrath of the Pharaoh and His Bulldozers. Mission: destruction! Even the most magnicient residential building in the whole Red Sea basin has not been spared: the Villa Luigi Melotti in Massawa.
    And the lambs? Very terrified not to lose what’s only left of them: their naked skin!! Very tragic indeed.

  • memhr April 3, 2015

    There is nothing new here: shiftas are always shifta. They only come in different names as Hgdef, Jebha or Shaebia. All of them rob, destroy, murder innocent people and rape and sell their victims to slavery.

    There is nothing new here, except some of the shiftas are living in Eritrea and others barking in diaspora.

  • guest April 3, 2015

    I would say you got it right Isaias if these house are own by those who crossed deserts left their brothers and sisters executing by Bedwi and sign excuse form at the repressive regime’s embassy and send money to build these house, welld done PFDJ.