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Review overview
  • k.tewolde July 5, 2019

    Once upon a time a beacon of hope,which molded a dynamic generation, an institution ahead of its time,equipped with talented,innovative and revolutionary mentors who produced game changers,a prototype model for black Africa of its time,stands still like an abandoned fortress without any touch ups as I left it decades ago as the rest of the world moves on at a speed of light.>>>>> somebody really don’t like us,the sad thing is we still playing hide and seek with him,and those who go on the hide will never hear from them again.Cry my beloved home cry.!

  • Gezae July 5, 2019

    What a rubbish story. As far as long as there have been Assena, there will/have lies, fabrication, and deceives

  • Zemuy July 5, 2019

    Dear brother. I have heard all your message regarding the management of teachers and how teachers are treated when they come to the MOE head office in Asmara.

    I am not sure if you were in Eritrea in February 2007, the time where a Comprehensive National Workshop on Education took place in Massawa. After the successful National Workshop, a comprehensive study was ordered to be conducted on multiple issues of the Ministry of Education. One of the issues was regarding teachers. After the comprehensive research, the two teams provided their research results.

    The Government knows how to treat teachers, how much salary to allocate, process of transfer, rights of teachers, how to manage newly recruited teachers, etc.. All possibilities are on the table. I am saying this because I was one of the 5 people who conducted the research.

    I heard you blaming Gebrehans Hagos the DG of the Administration for the MOE. Although I agree with most complaints that you stated, I DO NOT agree your blame on Gebrehans Hagos. If there is good person in the MOE, he is the only one. Since he was not a teacher, I am 100 percent sure that he did not say what you said he said it.

    Instead of providing fabricated blame on people who are good and innocent, you need to think twice before you relay your information to the public. I am not protecting Gebrehans. He is not my relative. But since I worked with him for about 6 years and know him very well what you said about him is completely out of truth.

    With regards to the personel at the Archives and their potential/skill to help customers. I agree with you that efficient personnel is not allocated. This is not the problem of the MOE. When I working there I know there were many inefficient people everywhere at the MOE head office. However, the MOE can not avoid that because, the inefficient people who are assigned not because of their skill and the ability to help customers but because they are tegadelti. So it is the system where the problem lies.

    • k.tewolde July 6, 2019

      “…….the inefficient people who are assigned not because of their skill and the ability to help customers but because they are tegadelti. So it is the system where the problem lies.”>>>>>> hmmmmm. Zemuy ,this ain’t no MOE,it is Ministry of Confiscation.