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  • Tes February 23, 2013

    Well doen deki ere. HGDEF mendaf they are good fornothing
    . We need to hunt themin their evil gathering. Ezom mushmushat.
    Jeganu ajokum HGDEF will go down soon with its weyto.

  • SABA February 23, 2013

    Veeeeeeeeery good. You know what amazes me.. Out of a sudden HGDF is making use by their rights in Germany. The owner of that Hotel did not know anything about YPFDJ as they claimed it will be a cultural public event.. When U4E got noticed that they want to hold the so called “MEKETE” Seminar which was posted on Dehai website.. They contacted the HOTEL and told them to whom they actually are renting their place.
    Then the owner of the Hotel promised that she was not aware and they cant cancel it because YPFDJ is not listed on a BAN.
    THe owner then offered them (U4E) only 6 people including herself to join and then talk to the ambassador.
    YPFDJ had contacted their lawyer very obviously who advised them to call for police and insist on the “HAUSRECHT” which means in other words that the owner has no right to take part of what is going inside.
    You see U4E wanted to ask the ambassador straight questions , they refused to let them in.
    Even the owner of the Hotel urged the ambassador to come out to speak but he strictly refused to talk to them.
    So this says all.

    • Mehret February 23, 2013

      isn’t it surprising that the PFDJ’s hide behind the police from us but the eritrean people do not have police that could protect them from the atrocities of the PFDJ. They claim they are invincible and warriors but we can chase them until they hide behind the police! This will go into the comic books for our children in the future!

      • SABA February 23, 2013

        Mehret Haftey, you are soooo right!… Unfortunetly those “comics” have a real saddening disgusting story aside…

  • ISKINDIER +Teshome aus Stuttgart February 23, 2013

    Hansab Aqli nigber,itom halewti nifeltom ina,Adlayi sugumti kinwesdelom ina ajokum,deQi Ere

  • HalewaSewra February 24, 2013

    You are very brave to confront those stupid PFDJ, but you should have come with more of you, because 8-10 is not enough to convince the owner and police. Next time come with more more opposition people in order to make sure the police believe you.
    i salute your bravery

  • Iron Soul February 24, 2013

    Welcome to the alternative to Sahebia. This is how they see the world – if you agree with us, you are a friend but if you don’t, you are ‘Wedi Sharmuta’. I can’t believe these people are trying to convince us they know what democracy is all about! The only problem they have is that they are angry because they are no in power. Shameful scenes.

  • Hadnet Dekihager February 24, 2013

    Hallo zusammen deki adey,
    Wenn Freunde zum Feinde werden. Es tut mir weh euch so zu sehen. Ich kenne euch alle, sowohl die da drausen vor der Tür als auch die da drinene. Wir waren mal alle Freunde und stets gleiche Ansicht. Irgend etwas oder irgend jemand hat aus fast dreisig jährige Freundschft, aus uns Feinde gemacht. Wir sind schwierige Wege zusammen gegangen. Und jetzt bekämpfen wir uns. Schade nur!Ihr da drausen, ich bewundere euch für euren Mut. Wenn wir eines in Deutschland gelernt haben, dann das “nicht die klappe zu halten”. Und ihr da drinen, habt bitte verständnis für deren Zorn, denn man kann nicht jeden abstoße der andere Meinung ist. Fragt doch warum Sie so zörnig sind, vielleicht kann man so wieder Freunde werden. Denn mit streitende Eritrear kann man nichts gewinnen. Last uns wieder zu einander finden. @Teshome + iskindir and Mussie, Pache & Keshi we are all Eritrean, we know each ather, let’s go for a beer and speack obout our problem. We are fed up of fighting each other. Brothers we are living in the 21st centry not in the middle age. Please wek up! Perhaps we people around Stuttgart, we can make history, by uniting and not dividing.

  • halet April 25, 2013

    15 yrs ago it was shame to oppose the PFDJ and Issayas, today it is shame to support them. go stuttgart we here in minneapolis/USA are with you.

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