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Eritrea under Ethiopian Suzerainty1 : Regression and the Reversal of Eritrean Sovereignty in Action

A cursory revisit to the politico-economy history of the Horn of Africa where Eritrea is found informs us that this strategic region of Africa has served as a theatre of war for a very long

A cursory revisit to the politico-economy history of the Horn of Africa where Eritrea is found informs us that this strategic region of Africa has served as a theatre of war for a very long period of time and it still features armed conflicts and political and social instability. It is important to note that instability has been occasioned not only by internal conflicts and by those that flow across borders but also by the clashes of national interests of big and small, near and far international power players. The Eritrean people have been victims of this unfriendly geopolitical dynamics and have had to conduct a long bloody liberation struggle to claim its legitimate selfdetermination as sovereign people and country.

Review overview
  • Musie Isaac October 13, 2019

    The good doctor said, “The Eritrean people have been victims of this unfriendly geopolitical
    dynamics and have had to conduct a long bloody liberation struggle to claim its legitimate self-
    determination as sovereign people and country.” Dr. Tesfai also made the same argument in his various writings. I think we are past writing and discussing the Eritrean unsustainable condition. Time to revive the liberation struggle to root out the squatters who are abusing Eritreans. Anything else is to extend the life of dictatorship in Eritrea.

  • Memhir Senai Zemenu October 18, 2019

    My fellow Eritreans:
    “ACTION” is the call of the day!!!

    — Ekitka zeireayes : senaika neilemid. (nai tigre bihil)
    — Power is gotten through the barrel of the gun. (Mao)
    — Where is the spirit of the Die-Hard urban-guerrilla-fighters of Jebha (and
    also Shaabia)?

    Only “Violence!!” can save the Country. That’s the language the enemy (so called EPFDJ) understands. “Strike while the iron is hot!!”