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HILINA: Dedicted to Dr. Asefaw Tekeste

HILINA Dedicted to Dr. Asefaw Tekeste by Fetsum Abraham I was pleased to see Dr. Assefaw Tekeste in the last Assenna interview, yet I apologize for not sharing my first impression of  him in my last article. It

Dedicted to Dr. Asefaw Tekeste
by Fetsum Abraham

I was pleased to see Dr. Assefaw Tekeste in the last Assenna interview, yet I apologize for not sharing my first impression of  him in my last article. It was in 1990 when our struggle already had Massawa under control and we were all psyched up to see the successful end of the Eritrean struggle ever since. I volunteered to participate in MAETOT and went to MEDA with my comrades to serve the struggle in the areas of installing Microwave Communication Systems in SAHEL And SENHIT. After staying for few days in Afabet, we headed on to Massawa by dark on an open truck loaded with probably about 10 people. The driver was cruising it at around 100 Kms an hour on a flat landscape called DOGALLI when my comrade Fikre Tsegay suddenly lost control and flew out of the truck like a piece of paper in a wind. Everyone was silently expressing the inevitable in different emotions. The driver stopped few meters ahead thinking what had dropped was a luggage to only learn that it was Fikre who suddenly got lost out of sight. He then drove back towards the spot and I still have a photographic memory of how I felt seeing him alive wounded everywhere and crying with pain. We then somehow helped him and continued driving towards Massawa where we finally dropped him off at the City Hospital which was then managed by the very interesting brother Dr. Assefaw Tekeste. The Doctor immediately took care of Fikre and literally saved him from death. He turned that hopelessness around by giving Fikre his life, of course after few weeks of suffering.  Fikre lives in America today because of how brother Asefaw professionally and compassionately participated in the horrible event that almost stole his life. I take the opportunity here to salute my brother for what he did then and to our people in general during the struggle and far beyond. I take this opportunity to salute our people that are being dehumanized by the savage regime in the name of the brother doctor.

Our struggle for independence was full of patriots but few exceptional individuals surfaced as the most decisive elements of its objective. Literally speaking, the success of our struggle against the SHADISHAI WERAR and the SELAHTA WERAR offensives was impossible without the exceptional leadership of brother Ibrahim Affa (EPLF’s Chief of Stuff of the time) in the military sect, Petros Solomon’s genius in intelligence (Espionage) and General Ugbe Abraha’s capacity in the areas of logistics; and of course that of our medical doctors who were conditioned to sleeplessly work around the clock for many years at the expense of their comfortable lives elsewhere. Likewise, the destruction of the THE NADEW EZ (the strongest Ethiopian mechanized force) in the battle of Afabet in the late eighties would have been impossible without the brain power of brothers General Sebhat Efrem (EPLF’s Chief of Stuff of the time) and Mesfin Hagos (strategy), Petros Solomon (intelligence) and Uqbe Abraha (logistics) to say the least. I add the late brother Ali Saed Abdella and other distinguished patriots in this list. I am sorry if I made a mistake or if I missed a hero because of a certain degree of ignorance on the matter but stick to the idea if you can.

Apparently, the collective effort of the people liberated Eritrea for all Eritreans to live peacefully and lawfully in their homeland not for the convoluted mind of Afwerki to dictate alone.  Eritreans liberated their country to use it democratically; not to make it the cause of their suffering; to be jailed and killed without justice. Eritreans liberated their country to develop it through education and participation; not to produce the highest refugee crisis in the world and to install institutionalized slavery and ignorance on the people indefinetelly. Eritreans did what they had to do for the comfort of all citizens and not for one man’s authoritarian ambition through the destructive and empty philosophy called Afwerkism that does not even allow an Eritrean’s burial in the motherland!!!!

Dear Eritreans; you know that our country under the current system has been reduced to rank at the bottom of the list in injustice, lack of freedom, lawlessness, refugee crisis, lack of education, censorship, etc.  10,000 brothers and sisters are behind bars without due trial. Human trafficking (organ selling, prostitution) and illegal activities have become the fate of the people under Afwerki’s vision-less brutality. The family structure is deliberately destroyed. Our people can not continue to suffer only for one man’s hallucinative ego trip. They are voiceless in Eritrea and we must carry our national and spiritual responsibility to salvage them from the chain of dictatorship without denial, pretension and fear.

Wherever you stand on the Eritrean issue and whatever you want to do with it is your choice but my spirituality does not allow me to take advantage of what brothers like Bitweded (long time prisoner) and sisters such as Senait Debessai (Base guitarist and Actor during the struggle now in jail for many years) brought for us without defending their rights and freedom. I just can not benefit from what they gave me in their absence without suffering guilt through clear-cut betrayal and opportunism. I can not swallow Afwerki’s denial of a grave yard to an Eritrean veteran (Naizghi Kiflue) without offending the creator and tress-passing my humanist concept of existences. I do not want to live in Eritrea knowing that the best actors of the revolution are either suffering in custody, killed or denied peaceful life at home. My rationality rejects the notion of living in Eritrea where brothers and sisters are permanently eliminated for just defending democracy. I can not justify my quietism in the face of the brutality dispatched upon sister Aster (Tegadalit mother of the kids of Petros Solomon) for just being the wife of the brother. I can not have peace of mind ignoring the sad destiny of their traumatized children who were condemned to everlasting parent-less existence for the rest of it. Nor can I expect happiness from this life suppressing my feeling about the fatherless-ness induced emotional consequences of Dawit Issac’s (Swedish Journalist) children who was lost for just writing few sentences in the press at the moment press freedom was legal in the country under this government. The abuse kept on going attacking the Sheriffos and their children as if human beings were disposable objects without trace. I can not do this to my self:

I can not justify the fate of Eritrean liberators Ugbe Abraha and Mahmood Sherifo who were forced to commit suicide or die in prison just for asking the implementation of our constitution. I despise to live in Eritrea where its liberators such as Dr. Asefaw,  General Tekeste Haile and even brother Ali Addu can not live in because of senseless injustice. I do not want to be an Eritrean in an Eritrea that jails and kills its makers because I do not deserve it as much. I can not do it without being selfish. I just do not want to be an Eritrean for the sake of identity. It breaks down at this fundamental contradiction of the concept in my conditionally pacifist outlook of life.

At the bottom line, I can not compromise my spiritual integrity for anything and for anybody. I refuse to exchange my moral values for material advantage and I decline giving up my freedom through silence on the plight of innocent sufferers of injustice anywhere in the world. I am not saying the people imprisoned in Eritrea should be free with out due trial; nor am I saying the former leaders of the EPLF were innocent of whatever they were accused of doing by the government. They were not Angels and I believe they have done wrong things as important individuals in the system. One man alone could not have dictated with this amount of pressure had they been strong in principle anyway. Meles Zenawi, for example was not allowed to dictate as such by his comrades. I believe they are partially responsible for putting us in this situation ladies and gentlemen!

I am only saying that they must have been proven guilty first through the process of justice before facing the extent of suffering they have been going through. I am saying that the president can not be the accuser and the judge at the same time, but he was in this regard. I am saying that the president has refused to be a human being by standing above the law (only God can stand above the law). I am saying that the system has the burden of proof and the victims deserve the benefit of the doubt. In the absence of evidence for nearly 14 years, the universal perception of justice asserts that they were INNOCENT. Eritrea under Afwerki, therefore has ravaged human life unlawfully and is responsible for ITS ACTIONS.

Review overview
  • gidus February 6, 2013

    Dear Asgedom

    Let me once again comment. From your comment I can understand you are not here in Eritrea. Otherwise you are becoming blind on purpose. You advised me to say TEMSGEN, indeed I’m saying it as I am at least over eritrean ground. But I have freinds and relatives living below the ground I am walking on. If TEMSGEN is a relative term I say temesgen. But I want to live with diginity and I don’t want to fear in my country. I want everybody living underground should at least be allowed to live outside prison. I want all my freinds left the country to come back and I want democracy in my country. I don’t have any means to express my opinion and can’t speak with any body. But pray for me as I might be caught one day while trying to comment here. But once again we are strongly disappointed with the way eritreans in Diaspora are crushing us by supporting this dictatorial regeim. Please please. When you come to see your Villa in kushet and senbel try to open your eye to see what I’d happening in trucks A.B.C…..Z. in Abdi abeyto. Mai surwa.

    In January 21 I wasn’t in Asmara and when I returned back two days latter I started to hear what really happened. Everybody knows what these heroes did but it is very difficult to get exactly what happened. Because the Mafia group are spying everyone. Any way I hope another heroes will rise and we all government employees and student will capture the most important places and force them to accept our demand for freedom and democracy. You guys living abroad stop being on the wrong side of history. PLEASE HELP US. DON’T CONDEMN US. we are Eritreans like you And when it comes to Eritrea we pay 100% of what we have … OUR LIFE… not. ..2% of our incomes. But we need freedom our ppl. Rethink some thing good your beloved country…

    And I will continue to write by changing different cyber cafes until they took me down to my friends or until everybody living under the ground comes out to the streets if Asmara. Wedgankum

  • fetsum abraham February 6, 2013

    Dear Kidus;
    We are for u and the struggle is getting stronger and stronger each day. Light will come out of the darkness soon and do not worry about the few pro government individuals. They are not too many as they used to be. Stay optimistic but very careful. We can not leave you alone there in the cold my dear. AJOKUM

  • sembal February 6, 2013

    I am very proud of you very strong message and powerfull keep up telling all the truth.

  • Isaac February 6, 2013

    I only asked apology from Dr Asefaw:

    -because I am not sure if he regrets for the gross mistakes he made.
    -he called our opposition to his misguided ghedli idealogy ‘immature’. His idea of creating doctors without real certificate because 75% of sudan’s doctors were serving other countries.
    -His style of leadership was very typical of ghedli culture-no room for tolerance or intellectual interaction.
    – risking young and bright peoples future to experiment your ideology.
    -it wasn’t In a time of war!!

  • jack February 6, 2013

    You think you are smart to say anything on any thing, don’t you have any other thing to do beside criticizing,you have fault finding coping skills.

  • GULLIBLE PEOPLE February 6, 2013

    ኣሓተይ ናፊቐየን ገዛውተይ ተራእዩኒ
    ምምህርናይ ክሰርሕ ፣ንጉሆ ንግሆ ፣ሳንኣንቶንዮ ከፋንዋኒ
    ሙሑራ መጺኡ ኢለን ብፍቕሪ ሓው ክሓቝፋኒ
    ጊሓት ተሲኤ ክቋጻጸር ናይ ቀበሌ ባኒ
    ኪነት ኣምሳለገነት ንምሸቱ የቕስነኒ
    ኢምፔርያሊዝም ይወድማል ጭርቃን መሲሉኒ
    ምስ ሸኩ ወኻርያ ስሓቕ ይሞልቆኒ
    ካድረ ከፍጥጠለይ ፣ጭርሖ የግብረኒ
    ስርናይ ደርጊ በሽበሽ ሙሉቕሉቕ ኣቢሉኒ
    ንሰንበቱ፣እንዳ ሽወደን ስድራይ በትኽስያን ይሰዱኒ
    ኣሞይ ሰንደቕ ድምጺ ሸፋቱ ሂወተይ ሰሪቖምኒ
    ደርጊ ምለሱለይ ጽሓየይ ክበርቀኒ ፦፦፦

  • GULLIBLE PEOPLE February 6, 2013

    Brother Fitsum,

    I find the Eritrean struggle ,rich on abstract love & gedli romantization but,lacking substance from the mid 70s. In my opinion ,it should have been flexible.It was not worth 65,000 precious lives to save a worthless plastic chicken called Eritrea.Then 20,000 ..supposedely to save it´s tail (Badme)..Gullable people played with the life of the young people.Gedli raised with hatred against Amhara & despise of Tigray people ,by it´s own blood, the socalled (hizbe tigrinya/sinthetic Tigrawot) like I.Still emotion rules.EPLF the 2nd bandit to dominate rural Eritrea & small towns was doing the same now ,minus selling kidneys by collaborrating with Rashaida & Bedouin.
    eg. In 1978 a number of people were literally slaughtered in Keren for visiting relatives in ¨un liberated area¨One of my u8ncles was literally killed by digging holes in his head for being elected ¨qebele¨administration ,after Dergi liberated Geshnashim total they were 8 I think.They were left by the river.ERITREA HAD NO FREEDOM FIGHTER ORG. ,BUT PURE BANDITS.We are not victims ,but collaboraters .the real victims are below 35 yrs olds.

    • Fiorina February 7, 2013

      Dear genuine reader of the article
      Erireans are ethiopians , they have never considered different. they fought for ethiopian independence with their Ethiopian brothers.on the same time the Ethiopians especially the Tigrians they never give up that the Eritreans be invaded by other nation. look the war of Gura, gundet, keren, massa during the invading of colony Turkish, Egypt, Mahadist, and others the Godagudi, Finally you can see the collaboration between the Eritrean and Tigrians to fight against Derg, and kick him awaypeole not on regims. All regimes they pass but people rimains. there is no enemity between different people unless organised by the enemy of the people. the enemy of the people are regims with spescial enterest and they survive with enemity of dived people.
      brothers we have to stop all this and give chance to people to dialoge and let them free. the risult will be formidable. is it necessary a boundry between afar and afar, is it necessary a boundry between Kunama and Kunama, is it necessary a boundary between tigtigna and tigrigna or somali and somali, I don’t know the interest of all this. if we talk to afar people they like to talk with their own language with brothers of Ethiopia , the same for Kunam, somali etc. so way create haterage between people of the same culture and history.
      Belive me Eritrea with out Ethiopia or Ethiopia with out Eritrea is very difficult or it creates distorted history. By the way I know that very well, they can live separately with the existing experience but it is not sustainable, it is fake life without any confidence on both member of the society. We can not live without them.
      Pro- Ethio-Eritrea.

      • Saba February 7, 2013

        Habibti, i am with you…TOtally agree with you… Kiss..Saba

    • fetsum abraham February 7, 2013

      Dear Gualible,
      Many mistakes were made during the struggle because itv was not flexible at all. Pls try to read my second book from AMAZON. I have done a lot of work on it to this effect.


  • GULLIBLE PEOPLE February 6, 2013

    Brother Futsum,

    Do you see the comments ,how Eritreans living in the west have no minimmum understanding of democracy..they want Ali Abdu be judjed & dealt with ,without the rule of law.You said it not because you wanted to give Ali Abdu a pass and assimilate without justice ,but be4cause by standing up for Ali Abdu you are standing up for Dawit IsaQ…the innocent in prison .to stop the rape in Sinay & everywhere.Now think of a peasant in Ethiopia & compare them with us (minus me)….I have excuse of being born & raised in still follow my people that are blind…I never grew up in a country or Addis to have known civilized mannered people..What is your excuse ,Mr Fitsum Abraham…to still trying to write on water. WE MAYBE OUT OF THE ¨JUNGLE¨,BUT THE JUNGLE MENTALITY IS NOT OUT OF US.

    • fetsum abraham February 6, 2013

      Gullible, my brother;
      I talked a lot about this indirectly in my earlier article. The answer to ur question i think is that Eritreans have been denied education by the regime. the country thereby producing a generation of uneducated people who can not read and wrire well to understand social issues from the US or Europe and etc.
      I think Afwerki did the heavist damage in that regard. Deliberate DINKURINA.


      • Zahra February 7, 2013

        Dear Mr Fitsum
        Thanks and I appreciate for your article, because I have get so many important matters towards the fake governors of Eritrea. But with this capacity I need the genuine and true identity of Eritrean. Because as I know we were appreciating for new things starting just like the songs of colonies British, Italy, Turkish and others. we had a lot of problems with such crises. So in order to have confidence on the citizenship it is useful to know the reality we are not artificial creature as you know the indigenous people in every society are natural resources existed for centuries. So we have experience with migration but we are creating as if we are unique member of the society. The only solution for this just keeping and telling the actual identity of the citizenship.Sorry in advance it may not relevance with your back graound but I assume to have your lovely article.

        • fetsum abraham February 8, 2013

          My dear Zahra;
          What a wisdom in ur writing except that i could not fully understand u. I wish u can presennt ur issue what ever it is in the network. I can edit the last product if u want me to help. U can send me ur idea in my Email should u decide to do this.

          Tnx for ur input

  • samuel February 7, 2013

    ፍጹም፡ ጽሑፋትካ፡ ደስ እናበለኒ እዬ ዘንብበን። “ኣፈወርቂዝም”። ጽቡቕ ሽም ኢኻ ረኺብካሉ። ከም’ዚ ዝጀመርካዮ ቀጽል ‘ዚ ሓወይ!
    ፍጹም፡ ብናተይ ርእይቶ፡ ነቲ ግሩም ዶክተር መዓር ልኽይክይ ኢኻ ኣቢልካዮ። “ሰሓቕ!” ብመኣዝን’ታ ሓጻር ተመኩሮኻ፡ እዛ ዘዘንተኻያ መዳፋነቒትን ጽብቕትን ዛንታ፡ ነቲ ግሩም ዶክተር እንተነኣድካዮን እንተ ኣሞገስካዮን ብፍጹም ተቓውሞ የብለይን። “ዝወዓለ ይንገር!” ይብሉ ቀዳሞት። ተመኩሮኻ ኢኻ ገሊጽካ። ተመኩሮ ካልኦት እውን ክህሉ ከም ዝኽእል፡ ትዝንግዕ ኢኻ ኢለ ግና ኣይጽበን። ተጋዳላይ ሻዕቢያ፡ ከመይ ይዝወር ከም ዝነበረ፡ ኣድሓኖም ገብረማርያም (ኣብ ናይጄሪያ ኣምባሳደር ዝነበረ)፡ ገሊጹዎ እዩ። “ተጋዳላይ ባሪያ እዩ ነይሩ።” ምእንቲ ናጻነት ንባርነት ዝተቐበለ (ንባርነት’ሲ ዳርጋ ሃይማኖቱ ዝገበረ)። ባሪያ ናጻነት። እቲ ዓብዪ ሕቶ’ምበኣር፡ ኣብ ሜዳ እንከለዉ’ሲ፡ ሕቶ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት፡ ሕቶኦም ዶ ኔሩስ፡ ወይስ፡ ሰብኣዊ መሰላቶም ኣየገድሶምን ነይሩ? ንናጻነት፡ ንሰብኣዊ መሰላት ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ንናይ ገዛእ ርእሶም ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ክኽበር ዝጋደሉ’ንድዮም ነይሮም። ኣብ ውሽጦም፡ ኣብ ሓድሕዶም ግፍዒ ክፍጸም እንከሎ፡ ርእይቶ ነይሩዎም’ዶ ወይስ ተዓሚቶም ይሓልፉዎ ነይሮም? ኣእዛኖም ዓቢሶም፡ የዒንቶም ዓሚቶም ይሓልፍዎ ከም ዝነበሩስ ማንም ሰብ ዝፈልጦ እዩ። ከም ወተሃደር ብረት ዝዓጠቑ፡ ከም ፖሊቲከኛታት ድማ፡ ንሰብኣዊ መሰላት ዝቖሙ’ንድዮም ንይሮም እዞም ተጋደልቲ? ብሓቂ ብሓቂ፡ እዚኣቶም’ሲ፡ ኣብ ሜዳ እንከለዉ፡ ሰብኣዊ መሰላቶም ሕሉው ነይሩ? ኤረ! ብመሰረቱ፡ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሻዕቢያ፡ ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ተጋዳላይ ሕሉው’ዶ ነይሩ? ብናተይ ርእይቶ፡ ብፖሊቲካዊ ጉዳይ ካብ እተኣስረ ተጋዳላይ፡ ዝተማረኸ ጦር ሰራዊት ዝበለጸ ህይወት ነይሩዎ። ነዚን ወድኸምዝን እናረኤዩ፡ ኣስመራ ዝኣተዉ “ተጋደልቲ”፡ ንሰብኣዊ መሰላት ክሳብ ክንድ’ዚ ኣቓልቦ ይህቡዎ እዮም ዝብል እምነት የብለይን። እዚ ኣቓልቦ ዘይምሃብ፡ ክፋል ናቶም ሶሺያላይዜሸን እዩ። ክፋል መንነቶም እዩ። ከም’ቲ ነጋዳይ ዝነበረ ጳውሎስ። ፈለማ ንክርስቲያን ዘባሳብስ ዝነበረ፡ ግልብጥ ኢሉ ኸኣ፡ ካብ ክርስቲያን ንላዕሊ ክርስቲያን ዝኾነ። ምስ ዝወሓዘ ዝውሕዙ ሰርቫይቫሊስት!
    ይቕረይታ ቃላተይ ተረርቲ እንተደኣ ኮይነን።

    • fetsum abraham February 8, 2013

      Brother samuel;
      I read ur bliss with emotion and it hits deep in the bones of any spiritualist who pays attention to the issues of humanity. Thank you my brother for this beautiful input and i hope things will end up ok at the end of the day

      Love u

  • SABA February 7, 2013
    • ahmed saleh February 7, 2013

      Thank you , SABA
      That doesn’t surprise us at all because it has been the culture of their politics .