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HILINA: Dedicted to Dr. Asefaw Tekeste

HILINA Dedicted to Dr. Asefaw Tekeste by Fetsum Abraham I was pleased to see Dr. Assefaw Tekeste in the last Assenna interview, yet I apologize for not sharing my first impression of  him in my last article. It

Dedicted to Dr. Asefaw Tekeste
by Fetsum Abraham

I was pleased to see Dr. Assefaw Tekeste in the last Assenna interview, yet I apologize for not sharing my first impression of  him in my last article. It was in 1990 when our struggle already had Massawa under control and we were all psyched up to see the successful end of the Eritrean struggle ever since. I volunteered to participate in MAETOT and went to MEDA with my comrades to serve the struggle in the areas of installing Microwave Communication Systems in SAHEL And SENHIT. After staying for few days in Afabet, we headed on to Massawa by dark on an open truck loaded with probably about 10 people. The driver was cruising it at around 100 Kms an hour on a flat landscape called DOGALLI when my comrade Fikre Tsegay suddenly lost control and flew out of the truck like a piece of paper in a wind. Everyone was silently expressing the inevitable in different emotions. The driver stopped few meters ahead thinking what had dropped was a luggage to only learn that it was Fikre who suddenly got lost out of sight. He then drove back towards the spot and I still have a photographic memory of how I felt seeing him alive wounded everywhere and crying with pain. We then somehow helped him and continued driving towards Massawa where we finally dropped him off at the City Hospital which was then managed by the very interesting brother Dr. Assefaw Tekeste. The Doctor immediately took care of Fikre and literally saved him from death. He turned that hopelessness around by giving Fikre his life, of course after few weeks of suffering.  Fikre lives in America today because of how brother Asefaw professionally and compassionately participated in the horrible event that almost stole his life. I take the opportunity here to salute my brother for what he did then and to our people in general during the struggle and far beyond. I take this opportunity to salute our people that are being dehumanized by the savage regime in the name of the brother doctor.

Our struggle for independence was full of patriots but few exceptional individuals surfaced as the most decisive elements of its objective. Literally speaking, the success of our struggle against the SHADISHAI WERAR and the SELAHTA WERAR offensives was impossible without the exceptional leadership of brother Ibrahim Affa (EPLF’s Chief of Stuff of the time) in the military sect, Petros Solomon’s genius in intelligence (Espionage) and General Ugbe Abraha’s capacity in the areas of logistics; and of course that of our medical doctors who were conditioned to sleeplessly work around the clock for many years at the expense of their comfortable lives elsewhere. Likewise, the destruction of the THE NADEW EZ (the strongest Ethiopian mechanized force) in the battle of Afabet in the late eighties would have been impossible without the brain power of brothers General Sebhat Efrem (EPLF’s Chief of Stuff of the time) and Mesfin Hagos (strategy), Petros Solomon (intelligence) and Uqbe Abraha (logistics) to say the least. I add the late brother Ali Saed Abdella and other distinguished patriots in this list. I am sorry if I made a mistake or if I missed a hero because of a certain degree of ignorance on the matter but stick to the idea if you can.

Apparently, the collective effort of the people liberated Eritrea for all Eritreans to live peacefully and lawfully in their homeland not for the convoluted mind of Afwerki to dictate alone.  Eritreans liberated their country to use it democratically; not to make it the cause of their suffering; to be jailed and killed without justice. Eritreans liberated their country to develop it through education and participation; not to produce the highest refugee crisis in the world and to install institutionalized slavery and ignorance on the people indefinetelly. Eritreans did what they had to do for the comfort of all citizens and not for one man’s authoritarian ambition through the destructive and empty philosophy called Afwerkism that does not even allow an Eritrean’s burial in the motherland!!!!

Dear Eritreans; you know that our country under the current system has been reduced to rank at the bottom of the list in injustice, lack of freedom, lawlessness, refugee crisis, lack of education, censorship, etc.  10,000 brothers and sisters are behind bars without due trial. Human trafficking (organ selling, prostitution) and illegal activities have become the fate of the people under Afwerki’s vision-less brutality. The family structure is deliberately destroyed. Our people can not continue to suffer only for one man’s hallucinative ego trip. They are voiceless in Eritrea and we must carry our national and spiritual responsibility to salvage them from the chain of dictatorship without denial, pretension and fear.

Wherever you stand on the Eritrean issue and whatever you want to do with it is your choice but my spirituality does not allow me to take advantage of what brothers like Bitweded (long time prisoner) and sisters such as Senait Debessai (Base guitarist and Actor during the struggle now in jail for many years) brought for us without defending their rights and freedom. I just can not benefit from what they gave me in their absence without suffering guilt through clear-cut betrayal and opportunism. I can not swallow Afwerki’s denial of a grave yard to an Eritrean veteran (Naizghi Kiflue) without offending the creator and tress-passing my humanist concept of existences. I do not want to live in Eritrea knowing that the best actors of the revolution are either suffering in custody, killed or denied peaceful life at home. My rationality rejects the notion of living in Eritrea where brothers and sisters are permanently eliminated for just defending democracy. I can not justify my quietism in the face of the brutality dispatched upon sister Aster (Tegadalit mother of the kids of Petros Solomon) for just being the wife of the brother. I can not have peace of mind ignoring the sad destiny of their traumatized children who were condemned to everlasting parent-less existence for the rest of it. Nor can I expect happiness from this life suppressing my feeling about the fatherless-ness induced emotional consequences of Dawit Issac’s (Swedish Journalist) children who was lost for just writing few sentences in the press at the moment press freedom was legal in the country under this government. The abuse kept on going attacking the Sheriffos and their children as if human beings were disposable objects without trace. I can not do this to my self:

I can not justify the fate of Eritrean liberators Ugbe Abraha and Mahmood Sherifo who were forced to commit suicide or die in prison just for asking the implementation of our constitution. I despise to live in Eritrea where its liberators such as Dr. Asefaw,  General Tekeste Haile and even brother Ali Addu can not live in because of senseless injustice. I do not want to be an Eritrean in an Eritrea that jails and kills its makers because I do not deserve it as much. I can not do it without being selfish. I just do not want to be an Eritrean for the sake of identity. It breaks down at this fundamental contradiction of the concept in my conditionally pacifist outlook of life.

At the bottom line, I can not compromise my spiritual integrity for anything and for anybody. I refuse to exchange my moral values for material advantage and I decline giving up my freedom through silence on the plight of innocent sufferers of injustice anywhere in the world. I am not saying the people imprisoned in Eritrea should be free with out due trial; nor am I saying the former leaders of the EPLF were innocent of whatever they were accused of doing by the government. They were not Angels and I believe they have done wrong things as important individuals in the system. One man alone could not have dictated with this amount of pressure had they been strong in principle anyway. Meles Zenawi, for example was not allowed to dictate as such by his comrades. I believe they are partially responsible for putting us in this situation ladies and gentlemen!

I am only saying that they must have been proven guilty first through the process of justice before facing the extent of suffering they have been going through. I am saying that the president can not be the accuser and the judge at the same time, but he was in this regard. I am saying that the president has refused to be a human being by standing above the law (only God can stand above the law). I am saying that the system has the burden of proof and the victims deserve the benefit of the doubt. In the absence of evidence for nearly 14 years, the universal perception of justice asserts that they were INNOCENT. Eritrea under Afwerki, therefore has ravaged human life unlawfully and is responsible for ITS ACTIONS.

Review overview
  • SABA February 7, 2013

    I am really not violent but my mom and myself almost smacked yesterday one HIGDEF bitch, she tried to tell me in GHEDLI times JEBHA the muslims killed purposely Christians and then buried them in Sudan. My mother was for a decade with JEBHA.. She was a fighter.. She said to me always when we spoke about world politics: We dont know this rubbish, WE ARE AND WILL ALWAYS BE BROTHERS AND SISTERS, We ate,laughed,trusted and loved each other ..Celebrated even EID together, Now i told her this, my mother pulled the lady on her arm who told me the lies.. and the lady was sweating and stuttering and telling her : I referred to SAUDIA-ARABIA.. In Saudi-Arabia they took Christians to SUdan for burial. I was so amazed, and felt so bad if she tells this now to people who have no clue what impact it will have for our people.
    This BITCH was never in WAR, never escaped she flew out straight to Europe. She was a known slut and in Asmara and here slut + drugaddict in Germany. Now she is old,fat,ugly and tripple-dumb as before

    • Haram February 7, 2013

      Thanks Saba
      Thanks for your concern whether it is true or not your mother is not expected to know the events which was undertaken in the land of Eritrea and Sudan.
      By the way it is not good also to took and raise such bad things with this generation but we need to analyze to all propaganda whether it is true or not. Had it been true it is not advisory to make publicity.
      What I want to advice in my information there is lot of worst events for the last 60 years in Eritrea but you are surprising bu such simple events.
      Sabina do you know from where are you belong in terms of religion and language it is very difficult to Know your self because our identity is full of crises.
      Don’t bother on the dead fish. Are you sure you are belongs Sudanese or Ethiopian nobody knows except Allah.
      Ignor Boku Haram

      • Saba February 7, 2013

        Well if it was true according to this woman´s statement she would have been loyal to her own words. She made it from JEBHA out of a sudden to Saudi Arabia. Look most youth here give a damn about politics so they just consume what you tell them, so they believe and create a stupid hate among their own people… Just because one evilish person is broadcasting rumours.
        I never said my mother knows all, she can only talk about the time she was in war , in sudan and saudi arabia… But she always says this again and again… This is pure HIGDEF Bullshit to bring hate among the people for one sole purpose..

    • Halafi Mengedi February 7, 2013

      Saba! Chill out! I know you are angry but was it necessary to call her a “slut+druggaddict”. Saying such curse languages , in fact, tells us more about you. Besides, whether one was in Jebha/shaebia has nothing to do when speaking about Eritrea. Needless to say, it is not a necessary thing to have been in “ghedli” to be concerned about Eritrea. After all , who said Eritrea is only for tegadalay? Those who fought for in independence are minuscule in number compared with “ghebar”, yet are causing untold mayhem. It’s because of “Ghedli” issue that we are finding ourselves in such bad circumstances. Derg was a lot better than “Ghedli” when it comes to treating Eritreans.

      • Saba February 7, 2013

        Hi there, well she is still a slut ( no exaggeration ) and she is not hiding it, beside that she is still consuming drugs. Very visible on her. But anyhow that is her business. When you start talking about CURSING.. When i used to be in Asmara i heard CURSES everywhere no matter if highly educated or the poorest of the poor. Where the heck did i refer to Jebha/Shaebia issue??? Nor refer to Tegadelti???? Read again what i wrote before and carefully then you may click it… Derg Junta was definetly unexplainable evilish BUT there is a huge difference between him and Isayas. Firstly Mengistu was a clear ENEMY against Tigrayans and Eritreans. Secondly he was “smart” enough to feed the people because he followed his doctrine of communism and secondly he knew if people get hungry he would be in a much bigger issue…
        Isayas made an incredible horrible history for us Abessinians. Especially those unlucky ones inside Eritrea.

        • Lupano February 8, 2013

          To Dear saba
          Anyway thanks for your concern but let it stop insulting individuals.

      • sarah February 7, 2013

        Halafi mengedi,
        Well said. It really bothers me when people think Tegdalai is above the law and untouchable, you know what I mean. It is not a licence to harm us the way they did. many of them, not all of them. we loved them for their sacrifice though.

        By the way, why would you want to be just halafi mengedi and not ‘wana biet’ or ‘beal adi’ or something to that effect. It looks like you are trying to distance yourself.

        • Halafi Mengedi February 7, 2013

          Sarah! Don’t I sound like I don’t have “hagger” I call my own. However, I do have “hager” which I am deprived of. We have in Eritrea the world’s brutal, and extremely ruthless president, and ignorant and illiterate generals who have kept Eritrea as it was their real estate.

          I chose my nick name after listening “Bereket Mengistab’s ” famous “derfi” that goes like “Anta Halafi Mengedi ..terekebkaya Meley selam Beleley”

          • sarah February 8, 2013

            Halafi Mengedi,
            I now understand where you are coming from. Don’t worry we are going to take that beautiful country back soon.
            In the meantime try to think of a new name you can use then.
            Let’s just keep pushing!

    • Asgedom Abraham February 7, 2013


      It appears that your mom has a lot of influence on you. You have to learn to think for yourself and to act ladylike.

      • Saba February 7, 2013

        Well, my mum can talk about things she has been through and yes, i dont feel shame when i confirm she has a positive influence on me. It is difficult to take you very serious, i have read today several statements of yours regarding your “YOUNGSTER” Isayas. You may try to sound eloquent and or intellectual with your rhetoric by defending his useless rubbish governance, you can be rich and have a Phd or Dr. Title, the moment one is defending a system where one´s own people are used as slaves and have not brought any fruitful results in regards to economy nor have done any real progress the past 21 years is probably really in “one´s own world”…

    • fetsum abraham February 7, 2013

      Hi SABA;
      Women should have been the first to reject the president who does not even respct his wife (the first lady) at all. 22 yrs have passed without the people imntroduced to his wiofe. This itself is an insult to women.
      Second, it is mothers who are directly affected by the GIFFA policy of the government. They lose their kids to slavery and yet they support him strongly.
      It is not about Jebha and Shabia any more, it is about freedom and justice. Stick to the cause and control ur emotions because the supporters are dull and irritating.

      • Saba February 7, 2013

        Where did i write anything about Jebha or Shaebia.. I only mentioned that this Higdef supporters even lie about things and just talk their current propaganda to the youth as it happened to me. She was clearly mentioning JEBHA did this purposely… And out of a sudden she changes it to Saudi-Arabia when my mother confronted her… So if there was any truth behind she would have sticked to her words.. Actually the past two weeks i hear such rumours frequently that “MUSLIMS want to overrun” the country… I clearly say this to make people aware of that “poison” circulating.. This “virus” if this really reaches Eritrea we will be even more lost then JEWS used to be…

  • Forsa Eritrea for best change February 7, 2013

    To Dear Mr Fitsum Abraha
    Think twice before just forward a word. I appreciate the comment of Who is DEKIABAT( Indigenous people) in Eritrea?
    Is there any possibilities or alternative to choice to be Tigringa, Kunama, Saho, Afar, Blen, beanamer, Tgre. Rashida, Nara,…
    The first and foremost, nobody can have any chance to select the place, religion, cultre, language …..before his birth-date. This is the job of Our Greatest Lord GOD, ALLAH. Being some bodies place of birth and religiousness it is very difficult to consider as enemy or discriminate hating just by making tortured backward words.
    I know when Eritrea gets independence before 21 years the EPLF secretary on that time had meeting on cinema Capitol with civil society in Asmara.. some of the participants they repeatedly asks raise question of the citizenship in Eritrea how can we consider this citizenship is that from fathers side or mothers side up-to 3,4,5,6 ancestors or what else as an alternative?
    He was wisely and clearly responded as follows. if we are raise such clearance of the citizenship, it will be difficult because we don’t have any indigenous people in Eritrea except the stones and forests. So if any body request for his citizenship we have to respect unless it will create crises on the country at large.
    Being an Eritrean we have to fight against identity crises.
    we are Abyssinia. please we have to tell the truth for your future generation.
    think global act local but with genuine concern for all of the human being.
    Wedi Gahtelay

    • Saba February 7, 2013

      I totally agree with you, i also started since some time.. If people ask me where my origin is from i say ABESSINIA… This way i believe there will be less identity issues..

  • Let us go for nothing/ February 7, 2013

    I kindly request to you to present issues articles which creates the leadership in Eritrea to be Empty in mind and demopsychology since practically they are empty.Think twice before just forward a word. I expect your comment of Who is DEKIABAT( Indigenous people) in Eritrea?
    Is there any possibilities or alternative to choice to be Tigringa, Kunama, Saho, Afar, Blen, beanamer, Tgre. Rashida, Nara,…
    The first and foremost, nobody can have any chance to select the place, religion, culture, language …..before his birth-date. This is the job of Our Greatest Lord GOD, ALLAH. Being some bodies place of birth and religiousness it is very difficult to consider as enemy or discriminate hating just by making tortured backward words. The Propaganda of EPLF before independence date was babyish psychology or “tesata di gallina” sentiment(daydream) which is complete different with the existing situation. To raise only one hope of that agitation was the citizenship even any child being on his mothers embryo had expectation to earn 10 dollar per day only from Massawa sea. One day our governor responds to this hope saying during interview Eritv it was joking or locally “tsiwitsway” or dreams of that day.Unless we had making such propaganda we couldn’t get the youth for Independence. The favor of independence in Eritrea is just getting Flag but no change at all if we are comparing the changes with Tigray region they have their own flag,3 university. several colleges colleges infrastructure, language,..better democracy in comparison with all aspects their better than Eritrea. The greatest change what I observe in Eritrea is lifestyle of some carbine,generals and securities in Eritrea without self confidence,songs and propaganda which is not realize the ground I know when Eritrea gets independence before 21 years the EPLF secretary on that time had meeting on cinema Capitol with civil society in Asmara.. some of the participants they repeatedly and consciously asks question of the citizenship in Eritrea how can we consider this citizenship is that from fathers side or mothers side up-to 3,4,5,6 ancestors or what else as an alternative?
    He was wisely and clearly responded as follows. if we are raise such clearance of the citizenship, it will be difficult because we don’t have any indigenous people in Eritrea except the stones and forests. So if any body request for his citizenship we have to respect unless it will create crises on the country at large.
    Being an Eritrean we have to fight against identity crises.
    we are Abyssinia. please we have to tell the truth for your future generation.
    think global act local but with genuine concern for all of the human being.
    Change is Coming soon//

  • Lupano February 7, 2013

    Realy I appreciate this poem of the situation before 25 years in Eritrea. personally I prefer that days because the dergis were repectful than the events in the senia desert and the prisons and tortures of PFJD is worest than Derg. Eventhough the governor of dergi was dictator and bad in compaarison with the existing developments in the globaliization world Isias is more worest the life style of Eritrean inevery corner of the world losess our respection from any memeber of the socity. We are just living in crises.
    ኣሓተይ ናፊቐየን ገዛውተይ ተራእዩኒ
    ምምህርናይ ክሰርሕ ፣ንጉሆ ንግሆ ፣ሳንኣንቶንዮ ከፋንዋኒ
    ሙሑራ መጺኡ ኢለን ብፍቕሪ ሓው ክሓቝፋኒ
    ጊሓት ተሲኤ ክቋጻጸር ናይ ቀበሌ ባኒ
    ኪነት ኣምሳለገነት ንምሸቱ የቕስነኒ
    ኢምፔርያሊዝም ይወድማል ጭርቃን መሲሉኒ
    ምስ ሸኩ ወኻርያ ስሓቕ ይሞልቆኒ
    ካድረ ከፍጥጠለይ ፣ጭርሖ የግብረኒ
    ስርናይ ደርጊ በሽበሽ ሙሉቕሉቕ ኣቢሉኒ
    ንሰንበቱ፣እንዳ ሽወደን ስድራይ በትኽስያን ይሰዱኒ
    ኣሞይ ሰንደቕ ድምጺ ሸፋቱ ሂወተይ ሰሪቖምኒ
    ደርጊ ምለሱለይ ጽሓየይ ክበርቀኒ ፦፦፦

  • daniel February 7, 2013

    wedi Afom still has a lot of supporters , we have to reach out to all PFDJ supporters and convince them to come on board ,instead of alienating them , we should stop calling them names or vise versa , once we do that , we will strike terror at the heart of Isayas that will be a major blow to the regime , that will have a flow on effect at home .

    • Asgedom Abraham February 7, 2013

      President ISSAIAS AFEWORKI ABRAHAM is indeed supported by many people in Eritrea. Don’t expect genuine Eritrean patriots to join your pro-Woyane troop of baboons.

    • fetsum abraham February 7, 2013

      I agree with u 100%

    • Saba February 7, 2013

      You Daniel, you will loose a lot of energy and create a certain hate when you really want to reach out to HIGDEF supporters. I was there, spoke with many discussed and confronted them, there were even people who had their relatives in Sinai or several whose relatives got killed by this SHIFTA GUJILE in Asmara.. You know ignorance and bloodiness cant make you change the persons point of view.. You can and should always try… But really dont expect a serious positive change…
      I was truly amazed.. I asked myself.. Are Eritreans really only good for getting dumbed????
      Are they really existing for beeing enslaved????

      • Daniel February 8, 2013

        Saba I am proud of you for going out there and engaging them I know it is not easy Task ,I my self know really good Eritreans supporting the Regime , when ever we meet we have a blasting Argument with them , some of them they strongly disagree with me, but some of them they sort of agree with me on some point like the constitution and political prisoners . I get frastrated but at the same time I don’t want to be furthet away from the truth ,stay your ground.

        • daniel February 8, 2013

          it should read like this

          ” I get frustrated but at the same time I don’t want them to be further away from the truth ,stay your ground.”

  • Habtom February 7, 2013

    What a great man dedicated to tell us our stories and restore our courage saying we still have time to build democracy and a nation of justice. I am proud of the commitment by the courageous Eritreans and the hardship they have been through during the struggle for liberation. At the same time very disappointed by the betrayal of the truth by one and only one ruthless Dictator and its handful opportunists. Thank God we have Dr. Asefaw, General Tekeste Haile and others including the writer, a source of inspiration for the young to finish the unfinished struggle and end the suffering of the Eritreans.

    • Asgedom Abraham February 7, 2013

      Suffering? Are you a magician?

      • Saba February 7, 2013

        Asgedom, seems you are busy on Assenna because you are to some extend tired of the useless fictive lies of your Master´s sites like meskerem,madote or shabait…. Here at least you end up discussing with people who have a far broader knowledge and interest in their country..
        If you truly support HIGDEF… Why dont you move from your comfortable sofa in the west to “HAGER MAEBILA” Asmara and surrounding and work for 500 Nakfa on the streets, let me not mention the huge INFLATION crisis.. with 500Nakfa you may only buy some sugar and flour provided it is available in the stores, one room costs in Asmara right now average 3000-5000Nakfa.. or send your children to SAWA academic seminars.. Majority Teens repeat their classes to extend it not to go to SAWA or try in the meanwhile to flee towards SUDAN where the Rashaida butcheres are already waiting impatiently, To get back serious.. Are you so much self-hating? Why do you want your own people to suffer so extremly? Are you deaf and blind not so feel the suffering of your own people..

    • fetsum abraham February 8, 2013

      Thank u for the sweet words but the young like u should take the relay and finish the job


  • sammy kike February 7, 2013


  • Eretrawit February 7, 2013

    In this era where we are living everyone is working and living for his own interest. It is better for the Eritrean people to look after our own interest. These people will ever and never make change in Eritrea. Eritrea belongs to the poor and suppressed people who are living in Eritrea and abroad not for those who are gambling around the people. The Eritrean people are conscious than any time they will not be cheated anymore. Opportunists must find thier own way the game is over

  • hab.londora February 7, 2013

    Mambo jumbo and inconsistant myth that gave birth dictatorship in first place and here as if we had not enough frepeated by this author

    All citizens are equal!!

  • The young one. February 7, 2013