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Interview with Ahmed Nasser:

Interview with Ahmed Nasser: Michael Abraha Veteran politician Ahmed was Isaias Afewerki’s opposite number during the independence struggle ashead of the Eritrean Liberation Front, ELF. The other movement, Isaias’s Eritrean People’s Liberation Front, was in fact an

Interview with Ahmed Nasser:

Michael Abraha

Veteran politician Ahmed was Isaias Afewerki’s opposite number during the independence struggle ashead of the Eritrean Liberation Front, ELF. The other movement, Isaias’s Eritrean People’s Liberation Front, was in fact an offshoot of the ELF. Ahmednow leads the Eritrean National Salvation Front, an important partner in thebroad-based Eritrean National Council, headquartered in Addis Ababa. Michael Abraha met with Ahmed over the weekend in the Ethiopian capital to discuss theworsening Ethiopia-Eritrea relations – first putting to him what he thought wasthe reason for Ethiopia to attack Eritrean military targets at this particulartime?

Ahmed Nasser:  I should stress at the outset that Iwas not privy to any Ethiopian government plans before or after what appears tobe Ethiopia’s limited military operations on the Eritrean side of the border inmid March. I have been following the news like anyone else and I can only guesswhat the objectives might have been. In view of the current state ofdeteriorating relations between the two sides, I can make the followingobservations: 1, the Ethiopian government probably wants to prove to the rulingPFDJ that at any time of their choosing, they can target any suspicious orhostile Eritrean military posts along the border; the aim being, it seems tome, to convince the Eritrean people and the international community in generalof the diminished military position of Isaias Afewerki’s regime.  2, the other motive perhaps is to widen theschism between Isaias on the one side and his generals and advisers on theother. 3dly, to weaken the Isaias regime militarily, politically and morallythrough military maneuvering. This could also result in added social andeconomic burdens on the regime. However, I don’t believe this will lead to fullscale war.

Q:        Some maythink you would have been consulted by Ethiopia as an opposition force.

A:        Absolutelynot. This is an encounter between the two governments. This does not mean itwon’t have political repercussions on the Eritrean opposition. If the Ethiopianaction weakens Isaias’s hand politically, we stand to gain as an opposition asour objective is to see a damaged regime. On the other hand, if the regime isable to get sympathy from any source, it is not helpful. Much depends on theEthiopian handling of the reality created by its recent military actions.

Q:        Why do youthink there would be no full scale war?

A:        Yes, that ismy thinking. The last war benefited no one. On the Ethiopian side, the declaredemphasis is to eliminate poverty and ignorance and for that they need peace anddevelopment. But they also say they have to always be prepared to act inself-defense if national security and sovereignty are challenged. On theEritrean side, there is no stamina for war because of low army morale as evidencedby the endless defections of soldiers and conscripts because of maltreatment bythe regime and limitless military services without hope. Eritreans in general donot see a legitimate reason for war at a time of severe social and economichardships. Besides, the regime is very weak politically in the region andinternationally. There can be no zeal for war under these circumstances. Awareof these facts, the Eritrean leader keeps stressing in his press interviewsthat there is no room for war.

Q:        Are there anyknown or unknown opposition forces inside Eritrea which Isaias should be afraidof?

A:        In politicsit is difficult to ignore the possibility of the existence of resistance withina regime. However, due to a most suppressive security situation in Eritrea, itis hard to imagine that such phenomenon would readily be surfacing to the open.But I cannot rule out this possibility from materializing on the ground given thecurrent pressures.

Q:        Thecontinuous exodus from Eritrea is thought to show the general indignation againstPFDJ policies. How can the opposition change disenchanted Eritreans into anorganized political force inside the country?

A:        Because ofthe brutal repression, these sentiments will remain underground within smallresistance cells or groups. I know all the exiled opposition groups have theirown channels of communication with forces inside the country in very scattered anduncoordinated fashion. To be effective, we need a strong, united opposition.The Eritrean National Council which represents the overwhelming majority of theresistance movement must prove that it is a viable representative of the oppositioncamp. Such unity will embolden and boost the morale of the resistance forces inthe country, which may one day turn into a Trojan horse. Apart from all this,there is international sympathy for the oppressed Eritrean people that mayhasten the realization of a change.

Q:        Who ensuresIsaias’s stay in power?

A:        He is supportedby, one: a merciless security and intelligence machine; two: those elementscollaborating in brutalizing the people; three: by greedy individuals andbusinesses who have amassed too much wealth through corruption; and four: bymisinformed Eritreans and some opportunistic intellectuals.

Q:        What messagewas Isaias transmitting to his ministers and advisers by denying a burial placein Eritrea for his former National Security Chief, Naizghi Kinfu, who passed onover a month ago and his remains are still in London?

A:        Naizghi hadgone to the extreme levels to enforce Isaias’s appalling security measures. Refusalto allow a burial space in his own country, no matter what, is an enigma to me.Naizhi may have left documents revealing criminal scandals only known to himand Isaias.

Review overview
  • Abdi April 3, 2012

    Ab m’eragu zxeyeqelu resah tarikh!!!

  • Kermahmah April 3, 2012

    Niazghi has been told many times to many people. Try to learn how to keep secret things. Me and Issaias had kept many secretes. He was also saying ” If I tell the Eritrean people for the secret tragedies that has done by Issaias, the Eritrean people would be free from the chain of Issaias. There are plenty of the secrets actions done by Issaias, and Naizghi Kiflu was aware of that. And that is the reason why Issaias wouldnot allowed him to bury in Eritrea. The scandal is so much head ache to DIA.


  • solomon seyoum April 3, 2012

    Why is this man- Ahmed Nasser- still chief of his organization for very many years? Or the members of his organization are afraid of another split(s), in case he is told to leave power, or fails to be elected? .. Such person can do much by leaving power after decades; no need to count the obvious advantages.

    • aforhmed saleh April 3, 2012

      I guess we should show responsibility of ourselves before we comment in
      national issues. Before you question Ahmed Nasser position have a little
      knowledge of the activities for the last thirthy years. He was out of picture
      for a while but his compatriots persuade him to comeback and elected to
      lead the party. Except the dirty political propoganda of DIA nobody accuse
      Ahmed Nasser for sinister agenda on his part as a human being.

  • Marosso April 3, 2012

    I guess you must be an idiot Mr Ahmed Nasser fought for Eritrea he spent his whole life to free you and your kind of ppl and you kissing hgdef azzzzzzzzz and he struggling again we as his soldiers (tegadelti) know him better. what have you done for eritrean? am sure nothing just blabla that’s all you do Mr Ahmed Nasser is our leader I wish him good health. and i wish you blabla.

    • April 3, 2012

      You are behaving like dictator Isayas,Solomon has every right to question. If you have the same attitude as dictator Isayas then why waste time replacing him?

  • DELAY NATSNET April 3, 2012

    Mr. Moroso please don’t criticize anyone, it is their opinion and everyone of us has his own opiion weather it is positive or negative. We have to respect and discuss in civilized way.


  • Wedi-Hhilo April 3, 2012

    Why is Ahmed Naser still to lead, could be an opinios, but its not its time. This guy might been long leading figure and he might have experiences…etc. His party might think that, there might not have other person to replace him. Or his party might not have a constitution within its party, a constitution which prevents a person being leading more than the constitution of that party says…etc.
    However we people have no rights to question that party’s constitution or this person being leading to his party. At the moment this person has not leading our country, his is leding his party, as long as he is not in our country or a leader of our people, we can not critiz him. If Eritrea were free, with constitutions of the people would have not stayd so far, but his is only leadinig his party

  • Mr. T April 3, 2012

    Here is the gist of the interview. Everything else in the interview is a rehash of the old story of this ignoramus and amateurish “journalist”.

    Q: Who ensures Isaias’s stay in power?

    A: He is supported by:

    1. a merciless security and intelligence machine

    2. those elementscollaborating in brutalizing the people

    3. by greedy individuals andbusinesses who have amassed too much wealth through corruption

    4. by misinformed Eritreans and some opportunistic intellectuals.

    Case closed. According to Mr. Amed Nasser who is a notorious criminal of the ELF’s era, the road to remove the PFDJ regime (Isaias) is a struggle that is not winnable by the Awassa skunks. Basically, he thinks Isaias has a support base that cannot be easily pushed aside or let it go like a down hill rolling “mederogaH”.

    Tough luck seb Awassa skunks!

    • Beraki Tesfai April 3, 2012

      Mr. T.
      You are a genuine A’FAF, Shaebia hooligan. Michael is one of the best and one of the most hardworking and balanced journalists around. He does not need any regard from butchers and barbarians like you. We need no diversions. Just debate the issues in a civilized way or just get out of this forum.

      • Mr. T April 3, 2012

        Ata TusTus, why don’t you say that you just “believe” he is “the best” instead of uttering your hilarious statement as if you had got a statistical fact to support your claim? You are a victim of your own sentimentality. If he was not an ignoramus and amateurish “journalist” he would not have said, “Isaias’s Eritrean People’s Liberation Front” while referring to the heroic EPLF. For your information, the EPFL was not Isaias’ organization. It was the Eritrean people’s vanguard movement that finally liberated Eritrea and restored the Eritrean people’s dignity. MEQUWATSRTI!

        • genet April 5, 2012

          So, EPLF gave us PFDJ and isaias. by doing that restored dignity. PFDJ restored the Eritrean people’s dignity. Is this what you call restoring dignity? young Eritrean dying in the senna desert; governing without rules law and destroying our value. But, you may need to say that EPLF was hijacked by PFDJ and Isaias so the end result is broken Eritrea.

  • jacob April 4, 2012

    what ever you say hemed nassir eritrean people tested you in the field and you failed,You not quilfied to tolk about eritrean people or eritrean gaverment.Ones you loose you loose for ever .

  • April 12, 2012

    You guys should be proud over such a diplomat and understanding revolutionist.
    People over the world cries, and hopes for a leader like Ahmad Nasser.
    I hope that the Eritrean people gain peace and freedom!

    /LE Kurd

  • Delay Selam April 4, 2013

    ሓደ ካብቶም ስሱዓት ፈተውቲ ነብሶምን ፈተውቲ ስልጣንን ፣ ንህዝቢ ብዓሌትን ቀቢላ በታቲኖም ሕንፍሽፍሽ የእትዮም ሕኒኦም ክፈድዩ ዝደልዩ ባእታውያን። ደም ክንደይ ጀጋኑ ኣብ ዝባንካ ኣሎ ሓ. ናስር