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My Take About the Inauguration of Donald Trump

The inauguration of Donald Trump was a remarkable and unusual moment for America, or even the world. Remarkable, because, amid the chaos and ruinous wars in the world, witnessing a peaceful and orderly transfer of power

The inauguration of Donald Trump was a remarkable and unusual moment for America, or even the world.

Remarkable, because, amid the chaos and ruinous wars in the world, witnessing a peaceful and orderly transfer of power was indeed remarkable: suffice it to say that whether the unhinged dictator in Eritrea or the Voodoo priest who refused to acknowledge his defeat in The Gambia, the world is full of disappointments.

Unusual, because first, Donald Trump’s inauguration was not only a victory against the incompetent war hawk establishment candidate; it was also a victory for the decent ordinary hardworking people and not of the establishment, who has done everything to eliminate the middle class and divide America between the tiny haves and the majority have nots.  The heavy campaigning for yet another corporate assault on the working class, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), would have eroded the American public further into poverty by outsourcing American jobs and know how.  NAFTA would have given us a good example.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

Second, the establishment, intent on making profits through interventions and foreign wars, regime changes and geopolitical ambitions, the alternative would have been a disaster for America and the world.  Donald Trump stopped all this madness in its tracks.  I hope and pray that he succeeds.  This is what is called patriotism.

“When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice”, Trump said today to the delight of his supporters.

But “patriotism” has double edged sword and I happen to find a good analogy for the predicament Eritrea finds itself into; where the meaning of patriotism has a blurred definition or, perhaps, it has gotten scant attention.  But of course, in a country where the sheeple dominate the discussion, where fluff-minded argument are the norm, proclaiming ‘patriotism’ is tantamount to facing between life and death. That is the reason why reactionaries always dominate the discussion quickly.  Because theirs’ is always on trickery and deceit; while the patriots depend on forthrightness and reason.  And once they dominate the discussion, It is safely assumed that they control the situation.  It is just politics 101.  Perhaps politics is the business of deceit; but then, it behooves the question of whether men are by nature immoral and deceitful.  Well then politics has to involve a combination of both, but for the betterment of society.  However, in Eritrea, ‘patriotism’, I am afraid, had disappeared like the morning mist.  For us, it is a matter of survival or extinction. To quote Harriet Tubman, even partially, If only we knew it …..


Tesfamichael Kidane

Review overview
  • andom January 21, 2017

    He is just a fascist. He is rich not b/s he is intelligent or hard working but b/s he is corrupt and dishonest. Building a wall to protect the usa, may be ineffective, although protecting the borders is important. If that is what u are trying to call patriotism, i will agree. But what about keeping his companies abroad, taking advantage of loopholes not to pay taxes, demeaning all other races.etc, etc. This is not patriotism but fascism.i am sure he can sell his mother for money.

    • Girma January 22, 2017

      Right, he is as Fascist as the elite leaders of Jebha and the leaders of the Arabized “Sewra” who hated themselves, identity and history so much that they burned their own languages such as Tigre in order to Arabize Eritrea.
      I will give a little credit to the American Fascist for not burning his own languages identity to borrow a second hand identity as the Fascists of Eritrea did in order to Arabize Eritrean languages and identity.

      • Tesfamichael Kidane January 23, 2017

        Girma, what is the ‘Arabize Eritrea’ got to do with the election of Donald Trump??? What is the connection? But look at the answer I gave to andom; that is applicable to you too.

    • Tesfamichael Kidane January 23, 2017

      andom, your indictment against Donald Trump as a fascist is borderline lunacy. With their downright hostility to him, the Main Stream Media didn’t even call Donald Trump a “fascist”. When someone like you base their points on a preconceived notions, you created that wall – and, not Donald Trump’s wall – that prevents further dialogue. But just to inform you a bit, since you seem to be uninformed, Donald Trump doesn’t own companies, he is a real estate developer. All in all, there is nothing to engage you further, since you can’t even connect the dots of my posting..

      • Simon Kaleab January 23, 2017

        The bought and sold establishment have now seen their worst nightmare come true with the election of D J Trump. Crooked Hillary had accepted millions of dollars from Arab fascistic dictators as a down payment. The newspapers, the radio and television stations, the Internet sites and even the CIA campaigned for her but she lost big time.

        The main issues are jobs for American workers, unfair international trade deals, uncontrolled immigration and border security.

        Barack Obozo never had a proper job, he has never done an honest days work in his life. He was a pot smoking street corner protester. Self made, hard working, hands on businessman Trump cannot be worse than inept Obozo.

        People need to accept the results of the election conducted using the rules of the game. Put up or shut up!

      • andom January 23, 2017

        He openly and legally handed over his 5 buisinesses in britain to his son hours before sworning. Check the trump international golf ltd in scotland and other four ltd companies in britain and ireland that he resigned from handing over to his sons. This is just a few.

  • AHMED SALEH !!! January 22, 2017

    Donald trump can deceive outsiders but his hometown NYcity residents spoke early during the
    campaign to oppose his candidacy . The main newspapers NY times and Daily News were strong
    critics among other popular media outlets to expose his negative reputations.
    We observed his immoral personality to call names at every opponent , unnecessary provocative
    remarks and most of all his flip-flopping mouth speech .
    Bad habit can not die and you can’t teach new tricks to old dog . So if we expect Trump will change
    after he took office , of course we only hope for the better . Even though a spoiled kid grown with
    silver spoon can hardly feel the pain of other human beings . The selection of inexperienced wealthy
    group in his government and their threat to repeal Obama health care for twenty million uninsured
    Americans also sends wrong messages .
    Hence after the election people voice echoed around the World in condemnation against USA
    president that sent united voice in support of progressive principles solidarity.
    For instance if we look our experience with Issaias , we ignore the warning and advices from others
    to picture him different than his true self . They same goes with Trump supporters to ignore his resume
    from financial dealings , Casinos , female beauty models and marriage history ………………… .
    From the beginning does he represent himself as a role model to influence young generation ? NOPE !

    • Tesfamichael Kidane January 23, 2017

      AHMED SALEH, your respone here is simply repeating gossips, innuendos and half-truths; a deflection from the topics that Donald Trump raised. Yours is not a big idea, just cheap talk.

      • AHMED SALEH !!! January 23, 2017

        Selamat Tesfamichael
        Due my respect for your article in assenna forum , I expressed my
        opinion relevant to subject of discussion but you took my comment
        to take it personal . If you think it is based in gossips and half-truth to deviate my intention negatively without explanation it sends wrong impression for participants ..
        Even if we disagree which is not the case it require positive attitude to engage on constructive dialogue .

        • AHMED SALEH !!! January 23, 2017

          “Deflection from the topics Donal Trump raised ” ..
          I am sorry to misunderstood your support to the racist ,
          arrogant , bully and unpredictable leader the whole world
          felt unease .
          Now I can see the picture and you are entitled for your point
          of view like everybody else including sisters march around
          the globe .

          • Simon Kaleab January 23, 2017

            Can you give any evidence of his racism?

        • Tesfamichael Kidane January 24, 2017

          Selamat AHMED SALEH, there is nothing that suggests I took your response personal. I merely expressed the falsehood the Main Stream Media relied on to oppose the non-establishment candidate. How he grew up or whether he was a “spoiled kid..” is something irrelevant to us. He campaigned for “American first” and he won. How else could he be elected then AHMED SALEH? I think you are intelligent and if you don’t accept this fact then blame the electorate and not Donald Trump.

  • Girma January 22, 2017

    There is nothing new here all Fascists and their Abeeds are all the same. Right, he is as Fascist as the elite leaders of Jebha and the leaders of the Arabized “Sewra” who hated themselves, identity and history so much that they burned their own languages such as Tigre in order to Arabize Eritrea.
    I will give a little credit to the American Fascist for not burning his own languages identity to borrow a second hand identity as the Fascists of Eritrea did in order to Arabize Eritrean languages and identity.

    • Simon Kaleab January 23, 2017

      What is your definition of fascism? Can you also explain why you think Trump is a fascist?

  • k.tewolde January 22, 2017

    Absolutely stupendous,T.K. Eritrean ‘patriotism’ is unique to reiterate your take,it can be described as a Russian roulette today.This is not the patriotism that was in full display in my generation during the liberation era,HGDEF morphed it into a new creature called cultism,nihilism and it is consuming the very people it supposed to benefit.

    • Tesfamichael Kidane January 23, 2017

      k.tewelde, as much as I agree with you brother, I would very much like to mention as well the enabling of that generation to foresee the danger coming from the non-Eritrean HGDEF scourge. Was it a blind patriotism? How was that genereration deceived?

  • Eri January 23, 2017

    Donald trump will destroy the immoral and corrupt American system that is molesting the world
    We will have peace , the only bad think is for beggar countries like TPLF no more aid they have to take care of themselves he AMERICAN first.that why the commentators are nervous her

  • guest January 23, 2017

    assenna supporting the inventors of “alternative truth”! shame on you. won’t waste my time with you anymore.

    • Tesfamichael Kidane January 23, 2017

      guest, what is going on brother? Why are you so mad? You can’t even accept ‘alternative truth’? But that’s OK, we will try to fit into your narrative.

      • andom January 23, 2017

        Tesfamichael kidane
        U need to do some research if u are unaware of his investments abroad. If u are deliberately twisting facts go ahead describing him as patriotic. He openly admitted that he did not pay taxes for over a decade if that is patriotism. Calling immigrants as criminals and rapist on his part is simply hypocracy. He is second generation immigrant himself. Second, it is simply a lie.

  • Zegem January 24, 2017

    Selam Kidane,
    Have you seeb this documentary about Trump?
    May you will consider retracting your article; after making research about Trump. The documentary film could be your starting point.


    • andom January 24, 2017

      He thinks he knows everything. He is here to teach, not to learn.

  • Tesfamichael Kidane January 25, 2017

    andom, I told already, since you cannot even connect the dots of my posting, there is nothing to teach you or to learn from you.

    • eri January 25, 2017

      How can you teach adgom adgi he is frustrated no more aid AMERCAN FIRST TRUMP SAID so all the lazy commentators welfare addicted from tigray must go work.

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