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On Reconciliation

The last article invited few people to comment on the question of RECCONCILLATION and here is the collective input. Wedimahta: “The absence of reconciliation process right after independence has partly played a vital role to the

The last article invited few people to comment on the question of RECCONCILLATION and here is the collective input.

Wedimahta: “The absence of reconciliation process right after independence has partly played a vital role to the regimes transformation into a total brutal dictatorship. A struggle for ‘unconditional unity’ must be still based on a true national reconciliation btwn all citizens. This is because 1) the lack of a commonly agreed true story of what really happened during the time that ELF was evicted has created a widespread of suspicions as to whether their decision to leave the field(meda) was a patriotic or selfishness. (2) A deep hatred has developed … between the two blocks [ELF/EPLF] which both have been working hard to prove the other has been wrong for all the past [events]. Does all this matter to the new generation? Yes it absolutely does. A democratic future Eritrea is not going to start from zero. The families of the martyries have a greater stake and concern about the country’s history and future. Unconditional Unity for them would naturally involve in clearing the air by unclosing the truth and reconciling for the better future of the country. “

Comment: An interesting point raised by this brother is that “The absence of reconciliation process right after independence has partly played a vital role to the regimes transformation into a total brutal dictatorship”. I agree because Afwerki would have ruled with a check and balance mechanism in the system had we gone through this process. My question is on what social elements should the Eritreans reconcile today to reverse the negative effects of said ABSENCE? How does the theory of reconciliation relate the relatives of our martyrs (almost the whole population) to the issues separating ELF and EPLF veteran remnants and sympathizers of the independence struggle? If the whole people contributed to the struggle in terms of life, would not this common issue neutralize the concept of reconciliation between them based on their past history as liberation fronts? Brother, please deliver your wisdom on the questions if you may and thank you.

Hitzit :”In ours, it is not a matter of reconciliation like that of South Africa; rather it is a matter of finding the truth of who committed a crime or crimes during and after the revolution. Based on the truth, let the future justice system decide the fate of those defendants.”

Comment: Hitzit to my understanding undermines the difference between the two liberation fronts in favor of fair justice on all inclusive fishy happenstances during and after the entire history of the independence struggle (on every front that claimed to have fought for the Eritrean independence including ELF, EPLF and the current government). This is a legitimate theory but too difficult to apply in practice in my opinion. I just cannot imagine our society going through such a process that would take ages to resolve at extraordinary material and emotional cost.

Kalighe: “There is an element in our ‘revolutionary culture: asking for reconciliation is seen as a sign of weakness; if you are strong then others should join your party on terms you set for them.

That is why all merges (unity) sooner or later fail. Even within the same organization a problem between different groups leads to a conflict in which the strong swallows the weak.
The issue is not about one generation or another, it’s about lack of a culture of reconciliation and compromise. Not all those in the ELF/EPLF generation are old people, the most difficult people are the young who were indoctrinated in the fronts (“Betimhirti Sewra”). Because of years of indoctrination and highly regimented life, they are not used to tolerate differences in opinion. It will take decades for them to accept “others” as having God given rights to differ with a government or a leader. The old ‘tegadelti’ may be passing away with their history and grudges but their culture is there to remain for long time, until it’s properly tackled and removed from main stream culture for good.”

Comment: this is a good contribution brother K and thank you. HILIK, ANENET, REVENGE and IMAGE are killing the Eritreans alive. Our culture is obstinate and backward because these approaches reflect the narratives. We personalize opinion differences because of ignorance and extreme ego to the point of self destruction. Eritreans need anger management training to control their emotions. We need education and Cultural Revolution to help us adopt democratic values in many states of our psychic makeup but of course in democratic Eritrea. This brother thinks that the residue of the contradiction between the two fronts will stay behind after that generation responsible for it passes away and therefore, reconciliation is necessary in post Afwerki Eritrea for the sake of the youth’s decent future coexistence: it makes sense.


Comment: A very interesting expression on the monotonous grudges of the old generation by a young man tired of the BS! The problem is that I do not read any formula that resolves the Eritrean issue without the old from this young man.

belay nega on: “Fitsum: Reconciliation who with who? At what cost?
As far as Eritrean issue is concerned there are two antagonistic ideas between Eritrean and Ethiopian gov “TO BE OR NOT TO BE A COUNTRY”

Comment: The first two questions were good for challenge; yet the mind of Belay Nega continues to worship a creator called Ethiopia for his Eritrean identity. That mind refuses to accept its own independent existence. He needs permission from master Ethiopia to approve his identify 22 years after the country accepted the full independence of our nation. He constantly expects sympathy for no concrete reason like the boss in Asmara: he does not want to be Ethiopian because of nationalism and is afraid of being Eritrean because of insecurity. The brother’s psychic condition has created a master in ETHIOPIA that controls his Eritrean identity and a messiah in Afwerki that keeps alive his shaky confidence on the same. I am neither God nor a psychiatrist to offer a solution but I WONDER about what this brother thinks about the concept of ERITREA overall after the messiah is removed from power one way or another.


Comment: Reality says that Ethiopians are now treating Eritreans better than our government. A reason otherwise is hard to prove in front of the disastrous refugee crisis in our society with a huge number of them being assisted by the Ethiopian government. I wonder how Belay Nega feels about this postulate. Would this reality agitate the brother into deeper state of worshiping the master called ETHIOPIA?

Kuiper Belt: “The reconciliation b/n ELF and FPLF is not the timely issue; this was supposed to be done so many years ago, way before independence or right after independence. If reconciliation is going to happen, it is between the government and its victims of now. Therefore, it is going to take a big deal of courage to forgive and forget to what is happening because that is what reconciliation literally mean. Now to you Mr. Fitsum: Do you believe in reconciliation between the PFDJ and its victims of now or your reconciliation is limited to between ELF and EPLF?”

Response: Dear Kuiper; as you know the subject matter needs discussion for me to see what appears to be practical in today’s Eritrea. I had so far been a strong advocate of reconciliation between the leftovers of the two fronts responsible for the causes and effects of the Eritrean life during and after the struggle. To expect an answer for everything that happened then is of course crazy and impractical. Although there is no revolution that did not kill its members, I believe ours was excessively intense in this regard. Too many Eritrean activists were liquidated in the life cycle of the revolution overall, meaning that both fronts have killed people unjustly during the struggle while this government has been doing it as of today.

As a matter of time, the importance of reconciliation between the two fronts in our society appears to have at least partially faded away in my opinion with the priority changed towards the common struggle for freedom and democracy; and justice for the victims of the current regime. Criminalizing the current government on the merit is certainly necessary in our situation with at least the most urgent of them all being the following:

a)      Justice to the thousands of political prisoners in Eritrea.

b)      Investigation to the condition of prisoners that passed away in their cells without due trial.

c)       Working together to establish democracy and justice in our society.

d)      Bringing the criminals who are directly responsible for all this to justice with their full right to legally defend themselves in future Eritrea.


22 years after independence, Eritrea has undergone through new generations that have little connection with the liberation struggle. The only trace of the struggle today is the existence of a regime that was molded during that era and the rigid opposition forces that have a problem with unity. This regime is not the SHAEBIA that we knew but a different version of the front in incomplete form because most of the front’s leaders have been eliminated through the years. Afwerki cannot represent the old SHAEBIA but only a portion of it so to say. Neither can the remnants of ELF represent JEBHA at large because of fragmentation and other factors like:

a)      ELF and EPLF are history today that may not even have a role to play in democratizing our country. They did not do it until now and chances are they won’t do it in the future.

b)      New political leaders will emerge in Eritrea to further diminish their importance in the democratic process of the nation ahead.

c)       The contradictions between the two fronts may be irrelevant to the decent survival of our society because both fronts have died out as a function of time. But what do you do with their unavoidable RESDUE that still lingers on carry grudges in the heart? I think we need to reconcile them at some points in the go.

Kalighe: “For reconciliation to be a healing process and an effective way to come to terms with past, the generation that went through the ‘gedli’ experience, should be encouraged to look critically at their past, lead the reconciliation process jointly with the young, and pass the positive lessons learned in our recent history to the young, so that they can build on it. Building on positive experience of past generations is a good way to start nation building.

History is always present even when a generation that has produced it is already gone.
How many of those who were into politics in early fifties are still alive, very few I suppose, but the effect of their decisions is still felt now. There is no way the young generation can start a new Eritrean era from zero, practically that will not be possible, instead people should be encouraged to discuss about reconciliation process and take practical steps to that effect.”

Genet: “Hi Fetsum; Reconciliation is most of time relevant and useful in any given context: Helps to bring civility to a society. It helps for us to be fair to one another. I disagree with the views of that we don’t care about the reconciliation between ELF and EPLF/PFDJ. No matter how old/young we are, as Eritreans, we are the product of ELF and EPLF/PFDJ members. To say we are young generation, so reconciliation is not useful to us is just wrong. Anybody who is born after our independent is the offspring of ELF and EPLF/PFDJ members. Why does anybody think that reconciliation between his/her parents is not relevant? If there is a young adult (person age between 20 and 40) saying reconciliation is not relevant, then we have a problem. If a youngster (person age between age 13 and 19), then we have to do some education. Unless we want to be unfair to one another, reconciliation is very much relevant and it is a crucial conversation.”

Comment:  I think the two bright individuals above have brought a strategic and visionary idea. I agree because reconciliation can only affect us positively and therefore. it is worth experiencing it in post Afwerki Eritrea.

Review overview
  • belay nega July 24, 2013


    አነን ኢትዮፒያውያንን አብ በረኻ ሰለ ንፉለጥ አይፈርሆም አይንዕቆም

    But I cannot deny that they are not only the cause of all this problem in Eritrea,but they are half way through in dividing us to achieve their final goal.So it is upon me and you to prove them wrong.

    • fetsum abrahamt July 24, 2013

      What is their final goal and what should we do to stop them? Ur focus on Ethiopia may be smart but how can ethiopia be responsible for lawless anarchy in eritrea? Is there something wrong with the way the Afwerkis are running the country? Can u at least tell us something you hold the regime responsible for? If u are not scared of the Ethiopians what then scares you enough to accept the dictatorship’s level of abuse and oppression of our society?

      • belay nega July 24, 2013


        “What is their final goal and what should we do to stop them?”
        I think you are too smart not to tell what they are up to.But to answer your question,they are using the same formula we used to set free Eritrea,the then motto was [divide Ethiopians]to achieve your goal.You need only small attention to see how far they went. Eritreans are organized to challenge their gov [based on awraja and religion]
        And look also on how Ethiopians are hunting any Eritrean movement to be under their control and paralize them the next day,though they are nonsense from the very nature.
        For your information here what Ethiopians say in private ” Divide them,frustrate them”
        until they come back.

        ” how can ethiopia be responsible for lawless anarchy in eritrea?”
        They are responsible in not abiding by the rule of law,this is from the visible part. Apart from that,Ethiopians knew that once they made us touch the[ Mano ]like the war in 1998 everything will go according their plan.

        ” Can u at least tell us something you hold the regime responsible for? ”
        Given that the actual gov is the continuation of E.P.L.F,the responsibility goes in the founders, they should have predicted the possible consequence of their intention.
        If we look at our issue from matured point of view, Ethiopians and particularly Tegaru benefit more than we did from our arm struggle.

        “If u are not scared of the Ethiopians what then scares you enough to accept the dictatorship’s level of abuse and oppression of our society?”

        When I was saying I am not scared I meant as an individual.But as an Eritrean who doesn’t? Especially for my age who is born Ethiopian and know their sneaky behavior.

        • fetsum abrahamt July 24, 2013

          “But to answer your question,they are using the same formula we used to set free Eritrea,the then motto was [divide Ethiopians]to achieve your goal.You need only small attention to see how far they went. Eritreans are organized to challenge their gov [based on awraja and religion]
          And look also on how Ethiopians are hunting any Eritrean movement to be under their control and paralize them the next day,though they are nonsense from the very nature.
          For your information here what Ethiopians say in private ” Divide them,frustrate them” until they come back.”
          Do u blame the Ethiopians for doing what they think is good to them like u did urs back in the days? I must only blame the opportunuist Eritrean opposition leaders for falling in the Ethiopian agenda here and may be Ethiopia at secondary level of the matter. Any gov. will use opportunists for its advantage in any similar situatiuon in the world. They do it when u are weak like we are today because of the Afwerki regime. Get rid of ur problem at home to get respect from others, Belay!!

          I did not get an answer for ” Can u at least tell us something you hold the regime responsible for? ” Do u see the problem between the truth and denials?

          nThe vuklnberable and selfish Eritrean organizers are

          • HABTE July 24, 2013

            Selam Fetsum

            I don’t think Belay knows what he is taking about he is just putting words together instead of answering your question.

            You have only suspicion and allegation with no proof at all, every nation stands for there interest first, and in the case of Ethiopia its natural that they work for there interest first nothing new here. Have we ever been united politically within ourselves ? the answer is no we have always been divide and we are still divided and this is our weakness and don’t blame Ethiopians . Here is a fact, in the gedlie era we used to have more than two fronts, do you think Ethiopia was the cause of our division? and after ELF was pushed out of the field it started to multiply like amoeba with so many different organisations is this the creation of Ethiopia ? You see instead of blaming others we must take responsibilities and try our best to amend our weakness and learn from it.Division among us is our weakness and we should be responsible for it.Well aren’t we the ones who brought this dictator to power? What good have our people got from this blood sucker regime except suffering and misery ? As Fetsum said we must get rid of our problem at home to get respect from our neighbors and at last please try to be a good agent of peace and respect to promote peaceful neighborhood for the benefit of all.

          • belay nega July 24, 2013


            “I did not get an answer for ” Can u at least tell us something you hold the regime responsible for? ” Do u see the problem between the truth and denials?”

            May be is not satisfactory, but I think I already answered your question.
            Anyway to repeat it in its different version,If we look at our issue from open hurt and mind,after we made our freedom to be possible with a fair help of the people whom we dare to remain landlocked,everything is a consequence.
            The Eritrean gov in general and the president in particular despite their being victim of the above statement,they might be charged with involuntary manslaughter,if the end will not justify the means.

  • Semhar July 24, 2013


    It’s better late than never!

    The time has come for change in Eritrea!

    Let’s march for freedom in Eritrea and all over the world!

    Please do not forget to bring our Liberation Flag for the freedom march!

    Thanks and may God bless ጅግና፡ ኤርትራዊ ስዉእ ስዒድ ዓሊ ሕጃይ (ወዲ ዓሊ and his courageous comrades who marched with their tanks from Sorona, Akeleguzay to FORTO, Asmera to liberate our land and our people.

    The mad dog, the evil spirit ሕስረት ዝለመደ ዕባይ እንዳ ስዋ Isayas and his blind followers the PFDJ and their burned flag will be smashed!

    Eritrea will be free and our liberation flag will rise up again!

    Let freedom ring in Akeleguzy!
    Let freedom ring in Barka!
    Let freedom ring in sahil!
    Let freedom ring in Senhit!
    Let freedom ring in semhar!
    Let freedom ring in Seraye!
    Let freedom ring in Denkel!
    Let freedom ring in Hamassien!

    2013 freedom will ring allover ERITREA!
    ERITREA will be the Land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE!

  • hawileito July 24, 2013

    Thank You Mr. Futsum and those who comments on reconcilation. As we all know the Aforki’s govt didn’t do anything good for our people even to let one another get know. He just march to the leadership and he is the president of the state of Eritrea. Then we don’t know each other and we are in a state of indifferent about other “Biher” and/or region. This harmed our unity in all aspects of our society.

    I do believe the main job of the youth know is to understand and grasp the grassroot problem and reconcile all possible fuctions. As we know we have got fragmented society and the youth need to start by defining Eritreans and get read of the illusions of Aforki’s. Second the youth should able to reach those scattered all over the world especially our people in East Africa becuase they are as valnuarabe as the ones at home country. Third, develop a strategic plan to eradicate the hgdef.

    All in all the youth need the support of the elders. In doing so, the youth need a reconciled elders.

  • TwoWayStreet July 24, 2013

    On one side you agreed that reconciliation can only bring positive atmosphere, and reconciliation can be done at any given moment, and on the other side you put a pre condition for reconciliation i.e. “It is worth experiencing it in post Afeworki Eritrea”, meaning Issayas has to go first for reconciliation to happen. Can you please reconcile these two statements?

    • fetsum abrahamt July 25, 2013

      I am sorry if I confused matters here but in fact reconcilliation would be excellent right now if possible. As we see it, time is running out of reconcilliation for our stagnant opposition forces and the downfall of the regime may precede their reconcilliation the way they have been dragging the issue for years as of today. Otherwise, we should do it at least in post afwerki Eritrea inside the motherland without any pressure from external forces like Ethiopia


      • TwoWayStreet July 25, 2013

        Thanks for the article and the reply.
        Reconciliation can take place at any time as long as all the parties involved are ready to embrace it for the sake of the people and the nation. It brings peaceful atmosphere, saves lives and resources. It empowers all parties and their supporters with a sense of ownership of the new system rather than see the new system belonging to the other party, or group. Where as the absence of reconciliation will create the need for retaliation, a spirit of enmity, hatred, and keeps antagonism intact. These opposing forces will consume lives, and resources in trying to win the fight.

  • belay nega July 24, 2013


    “to promote peaceful neighborhood for the benefit of all.”

    May be you do not know Ethiopians,but let me tell you some, the word neighbor is the last word Ethiopians want hear from Eritreans.

    • fetsum abrahamt July 25, 2013

      U are generalizing things here. Almost Ethiopians have accepted our independence specially now after 22 years of independence. Where are u bringing ur theory from? Who cares anyway what they think about as long as they know they can not enforce it illegally (unity). Only a united democratic Eritrea can challenge external forces because Afwerki has failed to get back Badme through violence or diplomacy. There is no other way of doing it. Yet, u did not answer my question in two attempt SIR. Can u tell us anything wrong about the Afwerki regime? Please get to the point. I can not help u if u are one of them or afraid of them. Show your independent mind if u have one for a change Belay and get to the point.

      • belay nega August 4, 2013


        “Ethiopians have accepted our independence specially now after 22 years of independence. Where are u bringing ur theory from? Who cares anyway what they think about as long as they know they can not enforce it illegally (unity).”

        You are too smart to deny the intention of Ethiopians and the injustice of the world,unless you are one of those who think Eritrea is one part of the country,and Eritreans are people who comes from that particular area.Such guys can cooperate with anyone at any cost, as far as is against the president.
        For your information, despite they are better than the so called oppositions, I never being HEGDEF and I will never be.

    • HABTE July 25, 2013


      We as a nation are not going to live in fear and your assumption is wrong . Weather you like it or not Ethiopia is there with us as a neighbor and we have to accept this reality.I don’t think you can predict what the the future brings, but right now what is known by the world body is Eritreia and Ethiopia are two sovereign nations and one can not colonize the other one .
      We always strive for peace and mutual respect cause that is the only solution for our nation and our people to succeed and live in harmony.
      I hope this time you are going to answer Fitum’s question.
      best regards

      • belay nega August 4, 2013

        ” Weather you like it or not Ethiopia is there with us as a neighbor and we have to accept this reality”

        What if the other part [Ethiopia] does not accept the reality? That is the biggest problem we suffering from.
        You know what they say in private about Eritrea “ይህቺ አህያ ኖረችም የኔ ሞተችም የኔ” is a saying of a strong hyena.

  • Fessaha July 24, 2013

    We Eritreans have gone through so much abuse,bitterness and hatred. We have only one choice to survive as Eritreans : accept our past mistakes and make peace among ourselves, before Ethiopia exploits our divisions. We had seen how good they are at it.
    There are some people among us who see reconciliation as a weakness;but it is the hater who is weak.
    Our fathers had a system called “ERQUI and KAHSA” (reconciliation and compensation) by which even worst crimes were solved.
    In modern times we have examples of reconciliation to learn from , e.g. Germany and France, South Africa, Rwanda.

  • ogbai July 24, 2013

    We have to stop the divide and rule factory.Todays Eritrea is the product of yesterday and tomorrows Eritrea willbe the product of today. Therefore, RECONCILIATION is not going to hurt us, but to help us not to fight each other again like the past. It is going to help us to settle, to love, to trust, to bond together to rebuild our country as well. Organizational and individual rihtousness is killing us. Lets give a chance for reconciliation. I am sure it will be a good start to our new generation that common goals and trust will previel and it will be a healing process. Keep pushing brother Fetsum and thank you.

    • Semhar July 25, 2013

      As long as the mad dog ድያብሎስ! Isayas and HIGDEF are in Eritrea misery and death will continue.
The only solution is to get rid of crazy mad dog Isayas wedi Medhin Berad, his son, and his blind followers HIGDEF just like the Libyans did to Gadafi, his sons and his followers.
Eritreans should unite and get rid the tyrant mad dog Isayas, his son and his blind followers the HIGDEF.

      • fetsum abrahamt July 26, 2013

        Please respect mother Medin and the son of the president. What did they do to you except that they are related to him by coincidential circumstances? Please do not accuse people by association. tnx

        • belul November 1, 2013

          why you offended when some one mention Medin, do you have agame wife? or what I lost my mother because of Isayas which is wyzero Medin grand son, I hate her and blame her for his evil character. Medin did not raise this bastard right and Eritreans are suffering for this reason.
          you are a smart guy but I notice that you feel bod when agame got cursed by some ppl. do you know that Eritreans are dying because of evil tigryans?

  • Kalighe July 25, 2013

    We are stuck in a mindset that thrives on being part of an organization (ELF, EPLF …etc), and refuse to think, regardless who was with whom during ‘Gedli’ era, in the end, we are citizens of a nation in ruins, that requires our unity and cooperation to come out of its current failed Sate status.
    Settling generations old disputes through reconciliation and historical compromise is an essential prerequisite to move forward. A historical event as that would constitute an important precedent that marks a shift from a culture of confrontation to that of compromise and mutual acceptance. It would be an opportunity to restore confidence in our forefather’s age old culture of settling conflicts, under the shade of a big tree, long before foreign hands started to meddle in their affairs.
    National reconciliation could be the beginning of a new chapter of our history that lies to rest all the demons of the past and brings together all Eritreans to build their rainbow nation. Partly, Iseyas is a product of negative elements in our culture. Let’s not forget that intolerance in our culture is the stuff of which, the glue that keeps together his power is made.

  • Semhar July 25, 2013

    As long as Isayas, his son and HIGDEF rule Eritrea this will continue.
    The only solution is to get reed of Isayas, his son and his blind followers HIGDEF just like the Libyans did to Gadafi and his sons.
    Eritreans should unite and get reed the tyrant Isayas, his son and his blind followers HIGDEF.

  • wedimahta July 26, 2013

    Dear brother Futsum, thank you for inviting me in to reflect on the three points. Briefly: 1) The negative effects of the absence of the a political reconcilation right after independence is the internal crisis we are in now. we are socially, politically and economically in crisis. In my view, reconcilation in the present situation is dependent on one of the ff situations or both-a)the government has to wake up, accept its mistakes including the subsquent damage, assume responsibility and make a fundamental change towards rule of law and democracy (eg. the case of Berma also called myamar??)- then follow the process of truth and reconcilation which is not limited to the social element. b) A new force either from within or from outside the government circle has to emerge with a new spirite and commitment towards the recreation of a democratic Eritrea