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Say “Yes” to Sanctioning the PFDJ Regime

Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime. We have made it

Email, FAX or send letters to the current members of the UNSC and urge them to consider the plea of the Eritrean people and vote for punitive measures against the Eritrean regime.

We have made it really easy to act. We encourage you to use the message as it is, but feel free to modify it and add your own voice. Click On this Link: EYSC

Review overview
  • The Bee November 14, 2011

    I believe sanctions will hurt more to the leadership in Eritrea, than to the people at large. The reason for the movements of the GOE leadership to and fro, and the reason for announcing world-wide call to condemn the sanctions is because they know these sanctions are coming to haunt them and can see the potential of hurting them personally. They don’t care about all the religious men and women who are suffering in jail within Eritrea; they don’t count the freedom of worship they have taken away from the people. They have not given a day in court to those who are in jail, expressed themselves freely in their own country. The merchants at large who want to trade and earn their livelihood don’t count in the country, they are restricted so much they can’t even conduct normal businesses. In general the GOE leadership does not care about the people, otherwise it would have installed the constitution and let the rule of law govern the country. Therefore, sanctions came as a direct hit to the GOE and they will do everything to convince us it is all for the country. I don’t believe it. Know your real enemy. Your real enemy is the government who is ruing Eritrea by the “Iron fist”, and by “shoot to kill policy”. Now that the world is showing up to help we should welcome them. How often does this kind of help happen?

    • Abdi November 14, 2011

      Mr/ms bee
      i suggest to switch off Radio ass ena and follow what the int’l Media wrote about the efforts the govt doing to improve the living standards,to mention some,
      the govt has built many schools,hospitals, clinic,infrastruction, dams,airports,as result of this its literacy has risen to 67%,reduced mortality infants 80%,malaria-75%,HIV reduced to 8%,introduced irrigation system and food security etc,and these all are concrete evidences that the govt DO CARE VERY WELL ABOUT THE PEOPLE,unlessotherwise you prove me wrong,can you?
      and also if you can show me any nation which had been sanctioned and left with a good impact on its people?”weys wela teneferet Tel eya, eu negeru?”

      • Huluf November 14, 2011

        Abdi Ibud,

        and yet everyone want to leave Eritrea including two of DIA brothers left Eritrea soon after Independence….They now live in good old America, enjoying their life with their family. A sadist human being can not understand why people desire to live an independent Eritrea.
        Iziabher yehagizka….the statistics use is irrelevant….when young people do not have a future in free Eritrea.

        • Abdi November 15, 2011

          don’t change subject and answer the questions,if you keen to to answer for the bee.

          • Huluf November 16, 2011

            from they hulele to Abdi Ibud.

            answer the quesiton…why the president of Eritrea is not standing for his people in the sinai…..shame on you sadistic Abdi Ibud?

          • Huluf November 19, 2011

            Abdi Ibud,

            You did not want to hear the truth. These achievement you speak was at it’s hightest ya Ibud….and the reason you are so proud of this is because you did not follow what was achieved in the underground factories of Eritrea during our struggle.
            1. Brain surgery
            2. Pharmaceutical factory self sustaining the strugle needs.
            3. Bet timhirti Sewta( Bitweded now in jail is an inspiration to many of them)
            4. Civilized manner and discipline of our fighters including educating our rurual Eritrea on first aid including how to protect dehydraiton(child killer when in fever and infection).
            I can go on….without shifting the topi….Those that worked for this achievement and that liberated the land were set not only for this bolooney you trumpet they had set a vision by a decade to be like SINGAPORE you remember… it has become Warehouse for SINAIIIIIIIIgaffor desert. Ibud!! I know you are going to blame Woyane again…for this…!!

      • The Bee November 15, 2011

        I appreciate your reasoning and bringing some data. You seem to be sincere and reasonable. However, I want to tell you I don’t need internet media to know what is going on with my brothers and sisters in Eritrea. I am connected with them daily and know what they are going through. If I was a foreigner you could have said I am misinformed. My knowledge goes beyond your statistics.

        The conditions of those I know inside Eritrea, should influence Eritreans in Diaspora. If Eritreans inside have a right and are being treated with respect and dignity, then our foreign affairs could be said it is for the best interest of the people and for the protection of Eritreans inside. But Eritreans are oppressed and enslaved inside their own country. Because of the unbearable conditions inside, thousands of people are fleeing the country each year. Therefore, accountability should be the first order of the day, and Eritreans in Diaspora should use the democratic rights to demonstrate on behalf of the victims of the GOE; and not to protect and to ease the lives of the very people who are inflicting sufferings on Eritreans. One way to do it is support the UN as they try to sanction the very people who made Eritrea a giant jail.

        • Abdi November 15, 2011

          The bee,
          of course we are all influenced by the midea especially when it comes to Eritrea ,Im not denying that the youths are fleeing the country,away of the midea i have spoken to some newly arrived eritreans most of them confirmed that they had no problems other than the unlimited national service,and some even elaborated, after the war the national service became unlimited because of the no peace no war situation”gn kea newihu ” they added.
          comparing to the problems they are facing now however,most of them regreted what they did especially those who their asylum claim has been rejected,here is the right time for the opportunists to appear from nowhere and offer some help and later convince them to join them. And believe me,they wouldn’t have joined them if their asylum was granted.
          Mind you,every single word they say is documented and recorded as a concrete evidence against Eritrea(PIA)which most of the int’l Orgs rely on to blackmail the gov’t.
          Moreover,no families had fled the country and if the situations you
          explained are the truth inside Eritrea,why can’t we witness flood
          of families fleeing the country?
          The govt didint have enough budget to change everything within
          20 yrs,nevertheless they achieved alot, and we should appreciate
          the jobs they ‘ve done.
          Always remember the more sanction the more suffer on the ppl.

          • Huluf November 19, 2011

            Abdi Ibud,

            You are right excelpt you will not say Eri Tv influences and propgandaize your Ibud brain.

        • Huluf November 16, 2011

          The Bee,

          there is nothing to reason with Abdid Ibud a dictator’s worshipper. First he must answer why the president of Eritrea has not protested for young men in Sinai? Why is DIA the coward not standing for his people in Egypt? If Abdi can not answer the question and ponder with us he will remain the sadist he is.

          • Abdi November 16, 2011

            i replied to this one but the answer was deleted,
            listen you idiot hurur,to blame a gov’t for not taking care of its citizen abroad,you need first to ask if the citizens have acknowledged their embassy of their arrival or not,in our youth’s case not single person has reported to the embassy,however the embassy in Cairo has visited the detention centres and after a necessary screening the embassy offered to take them home,but i don’t know what was the outcome.
            -i feel sorry for what they ended up to but we can’t blame the gov’t for not following them through,
            -you can’t also ask the govt to check every hole in Sinai searching for missing blacks,because all eritreans are black but not all blacks are eritreans.
            Understand the rules before opening your”gembi aff”

    • Maazza November 14, 2011


      I am one of those who believes that the Eritrean people have been under some form of economic sanction, not to mention the oppressive and excessively controlling system, by the self-appointed DIA and Hgdef for the last two decades. Hgdef mercilessly lorded it over like there was no tomorrow, fearing nobody, immobilizing everybody and behaving eternal! Nowc they are fully aware that they, as they always do, got it wrong. The UN has 197? Member nations. You said yourself that our country is one of the four to receive such severe type sanctions. You have only Isayas to blame!! With his insatiable megalomanic behavior to meddle in the sub-region, inability to live in harmony with his neighbors, his craving to stay in power for ever and ferociously extinguish any dissent, he has brought upon us this ‘tragedy’. These sanctions will tie his hands and subseqduently modify his actions in the sub-region and affect his egocentric personality to a powerless one. We can then hope for change that is overdue by seeing the last of him! Inshallah!r

      • Kozami November 14, 2011


        First thing, please make correction of your reading. The article said only 4 nations have been subjected to economic sanction, Eritrea is not one of them as yet and the intended draft resolution had fallen flat on its face as of Oct. 26. Your attempt to wriggle out of your culpability by blaming the GoE is in vain. The sadistic woyane bears the large part of the swindle to sneak this mischief but your (as in the sold out opposition in general) symbolic and regrettable part in it is also a sad eyesore in the minds of Eritrean’s. You keep hyping up the injustices you accuse the GoE of as justification for your unbecoming doubling up effort. However, that by no means excuses your desire to see Eritrean babies neatly packed in little body bags before celebrating their first year of life. The scale of evil you’ve wished your people, when you ‘prayed for sanction’ as you put it, is of malevolence of a greatest order. I hope your conscience would be of a bigger judge.

    • Kozami November 14, 2011

      Looking at Iraq, the Security Council imposed mandatory sanctions prohibiting trade and contract relations with Iraq including restrictions on the trade of Iraq’s only source of foreign exchange, oil. Food and medical supplies were to be allowed only in “humanitarian circumstances”. As a result, thirty times more civilians died after the war from the effects of the sanctions than during the actual military conflict. Iraq, once a wealthy and successfully developing nation, was soon reduced to a country plagued with hunger, disease and desperation. The cumulative effects of the sustained deprivation of food, health care and the supplies required to rebuild Iraq’s infrastructure resulted in increased crime, begging, prostitution, extreme anxiety about the future and a total sense of isolation. It is estimated that (from UNICEF data) about half a million children died as the result of sanctions and the same statistics put the total death toll from sanctions including adults at a million. International humanitarian law is meant to protect civilian populations. The Geneva Protocol, Article 54, specifically states that starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited. Approximately 1.5 million people have died as a result of sanctions that severely limit access to the basic necessities of life.

      • The Bee November 15, 2011

        Iraq’s case and Eritreans case is totally different. Iraq was occupied.
        The issue is if GOE won’t hear the cry of their people, maybe sanctions will discipline them. Eritreans have been told by the leader of the GOE that democracy and votes may happen in 30 to 40 years. They have been told that GOE knows better and will decide matters of their daily lives. Eritreans are doomed to be ruled by military dictatorship, and there is no hope for change in sight, at least by the current GOE leadership. If the fate of Eritreans is as such, then outside pressure maybe necessary to the leadership to rethink their ways. If the people are cornered, they become desperate, and will do desperate things.

  • Kozami November 14, 2011

    Huluf & Baree

    Can’t help being entertained to see you feel yanked as though some one had just stolen your pants off bare butt in public. Cool down, it it the truth you are baby killers bros.

    • Kozami November 14, 2011

      huluf and baree

      I also forgot to answer your nagging question of why the GoE hasn’t protested the evil meted out on its people. It could be that you didn’t give them the address of the Boudini Embassy to mail the letter to. Considering your supplication to the UNSC to kill Eritrean infants you may have much in common if not greater with them.

      • Maazza November 15, 2011


        DIA and his cohorts have configured as Eritrean infants in your delusional mind. Where you fear they will suffer the consequences of a tighter sanction, you see images of infants dying before they are one year old. You equate, so to speak, most concerned and courageous Eritreans, Huluf and Baree, to the Bedouins who are carving organs from live bodies; Eritreans are languishing in Egyptian and other North African jails and you excuse your lord and master in being unable to voice his indignation about the Eritrean lives being squandered at Sinai, an Egyptian territory, because he does not have an address of the Bedouin Embassy to mail the letter to!! God, some of the things you say (I believe without reflecting) are not only chilling but they reveal a very irrational person, bent to justify a glaringly inhuman gang at the helm of our beloved country.

        • Kozami November 15, 2011

          Your statement that reads “…most concerned and courageous Eritreans, Huluf and Baree,…” involve three highly dubious descriptors. But that is for you to decide. I say this due respect, you need to update your understanding of UN sponsored ‘comprehensive Economic Sanction’ as per sadistic woyane’s request Vs the economic and other political problems you state concerning Eritrea. Please, rest assured that I would be least affected by it personally. However, it is clearly established fact that the former type of sanction primarily target the citizens, and infant mortality numbers usually shoot through the roof under those times. The second paradox is also that it enhances the affected regimes grip on power, increases pro regime support as people clamor around their leaders in times of crisis, and creates an express excuse for the affected regime to blame the hardship on external factors. Such sanctions only work with regimes facing imminent collapse from domestic chaos. Else where, it hasn’t dent any regime’s grip on power what so ever. This is an attack on the PEOPLE proper, and the sold out has taken a stand against the Eritrean people true to their form. I know they are only a handful (most commentators here being woyane themselves) still, it is an eyesore to the Eritrean mind.

          • Kozami November 15, 2011


            It is okay for you to oppose the GoE, it is okay to hold the view that reform is needed (or long over due) and others, however the logic of making out it is okay to slap a crying child because he/she is crying any way is untenable. Sanctions are meant to affect the target government through the people. Smart sanction is a think-tank oxymoron. No sanction has ever spared severely hurting the people. Your assertions of Eritreans are already hurting and supporting additional hurt can’t be any more callousness of ill reasoning. You have the prerogative to disparage us for your perceived failings you accuse us of, yet it would be prudent to focus on facts and figures that you have to prove there exist a sanction that hasn’t hurt and destroyed a nation people first.

      • Huluf November 16, 2011


        I ain’t your bro to a dictator’s apologist…in my language that is a prostitue behaviour.

        One more time….Why is the President of Eritrea not protesting and livid to the plight of innocent Eritrean kids(unlike you and I enjoing in the west and god bless our adopted countries availed this prvileage otherwise we could be in sinai too) in the deserts of Egypt? Until you do….. I wil keep asking you this questions….and you can delude yourself to heaven…….answer the question you beautifl writer but a coward Eritrean.

        • Kozami November 16, 2011


          Cowards hide behind helpless women and children’s sanction to get they’re too gutless to take fair and square. I agree PIA should have protested against the Budinis and against you, for your crimes are far uglier. But, cowards are faceless with no fixed abode. Any way, I have informed PIA to send the letter of protest CC sadistic woyane, URGENT. I believe next time you, the budini and the sadistic woyane sit to split the booty, he will read it out to you. Do not bother responding before you smarten up.

          • Huluf November 19, 2011


            You send DIA a letter , he will break a bottle of whiskey in your head ya Kozamino…He is part and parcel of the game he does not need to send them anything.. ….All he has to do is plug out General Manjus….It shows you know nothing and no one in Eritrea? Or your blood relations must have ostracized you or do not trust you….Otherwise it is an open secret, people are transported to the border of Sudan(lucratively charged) by military brass full cover….Have you not heard of a certain Alex in Nairobi and his network in Sudan and Duabi….are the key elements of this cruel trafficking and easily visit in and out of Asmara and are the first Hegdef defenders any city they are in……Or you are just this beautiful , good dreaming, good wishing , all is well, in the halls of london, halls of DC, New York festivals….believe there is nothing like that and I enjoy it too….and use to…But my soul and conscience questioned it I could not be free and happy until my people are…..Kozamino, clear your head…Izgi Msajha Yukhun and I promise to pray for you.

      • Huluf November 16, 2011

        Your ture color just came out when you do not have no answer you blurted that I or Baraee have to give them the adress….to who Higdef….the invincible Higdef who threathens it could reach any one….Betrina Newih Iyu fekerti….and they do not….You fool, they are part of this network….there is a full Major General in this network you dummy….I do not know who raised you in Eritrea but you lack pure Eritrean(unmixed….would explain another time)….You must have grown up “Inda Swa” for you disrespect those young men and mock of it…..You are a hero whorshipper. ….brace yourself for the inevitable.

  • Maazza November 15, 2011


    “The second paradox is also that it enhances the affected regimes grip on power, …”. You have managed to worry me a lot with this statement. God forbid if we have to pass years with these same incompetent people pretending to be the smartest and know it all and then clamoring on hands and knees to remedy what they ‘spat’ on in the first place. I just hope you are dead wrong on that, although it made Fidel Castro last forever. But then Cuba had/has some institutions like health and education that were/are the envy of East and West. One thing is clear though, you seem to be terribly bowled out by additional sanctions. Tomorrow is the day, and inspite of your exhaustive explanations on why it should not take place, I am still firm in my belief that it will come to pass and it will be the darkest day for DIA and Hgdef and supporters like you if it were to materialize. I am convinced it would be a breakthrough for the Eritrean people. They are used to living lean and clean so nothing changes there! They have suffered lack of medicines for the last 20 years! You and I are poles apart in everything and we should learn to respect each other’s liberty to express ourselves freely.

    • Kozami November 15, 2011

      In regard to your last comment, respecting your right to hold your views or express them goes without saying. The matter at hand is however the fact that you believe sanctions are ‘breakthrough for the Eritrean people’ and that you are ‘praying for them’ to state what you said. NO. and HELL NO. Sanctions are a reversal of fortunes to the Eritrean people and that is why (as you admitted to daniel in earlier posting) the GoE is getting solid poplar support of the people in that regard. In any case, your comparison with Cuba may be one scenario, consider Zimbabwe for example. Its economy had grown by 9% last year despite tough sanctions! Your assumption needs to factor in the fact that other countries are not as pliable when sanctions are implemented in practice. It sure would be atrocious on the poor and defenseless but in the said country’s case, more than 40% of the people still account for the top 10% income bracket. Let’s not blow what is at hand, sanction, out of proportions. But be reasonable and calculating in formulating your position so that it has meaningful context to persuade your readers.

  • Maazza November 15, 2011


    I admitted to Daniel that GOE is getting solid popular support? This is the farthest thing from my thinking so I am unable to figure out how your mind works! I will use a favorite of DIA’s word and say this is pure ‘fabrication’. Having said that, the manouvering and worong interpretation of my posts is simply unacceptable and I have therefore opted to refrain and even give up debating with you. You’ve knocked me off several times by putting ‘words in my mouth’. There is lack of intellectual honesty on your part.

    • Kozami November 15, 2011

      Warning: This is neither a debate nor n attempt to woo back the girl that run away!


      I admire your courage to call it quits upon finding out that you had no legs to stand with your evidently self contradicting stance. I know many would have degenerated into raving madness when they run out of hiding corners. For that your actions are commendable. And sleep well, as there is no love lost. However, just to set the records straight, daniel said that the GoE is supported not only by the people in Eritrea (as he stated he has been back there 8 months ago) but also by those who have supposedly escaped to seek refuge. In may view, a ‘solid support’ accounts for support garnered inside Eritrea proper and a ‘super duper solid support’ for support garnered from people who have supposedly left your constituency. And YOU Maaza responded by stating “the points you raise are both FACTUAL and worrying” (emphasis mine). So now, what aspect of surmise as to “your admission to the GoE having solid support” equate to ‘intellectual dishonesty’? Backing out of a dying reasoning may warrant some face saving exit strategy somehow, however ‘good by’ would also do nicely. All is not lost, now that you have seen how the sadistic woyane has been playing you back to front, there is still ample time to renounce them and rejoin team truth.

      • Tsahaye November 15, 2011


        Although Maaza has decided to call it quits eventually, the discussion between her and you was very interesting. You guys have taken the discussion to a great length while many of us had given up commenting on the topic. Even Zekhtam, the acclaimed and permanent resident of this website, had dropped out of the race very early for the first time. With the exception of a few fellows, the ” never kneel down” sorts… such as Baree who made sure the rage between you and Maaza did not run out fuel (kab isatu yedhnena fetari), Abdi trying his best to cut off Maaza’s supply line, the buzzing Bee spraying some spices (memaqrti) onto the simmering soup (tsebhi) and Huluf facing Abdi head on to deliver ammunition to the front-line so that Maaza could continue the fight. At the end, however, there is only one winner, and Maaza’s loss is truly due to her lack of personal honesty and intellectual integrity.

        • Kozami November 15, 2011

          I am glad that you found the exchanges interesting. Truth be told, Maaza appeared to have faltered in substance and not in demeanor. The issue discussed, however, is onlythe tip of the iceberg regarding the horrendous error of calculation made by the sold out opposition. It reminds me jock about a certain Asmarino by the name Ali. He happen to win a 1,000,000 nakfa in a lottery draw. So, Ali goes to his usual hang out cafe in Asmara by himself, sits down and thinks to him self as follows. Now that you have won 1,000,000 nakfa, and that you are getting old and are not likely to live more than 10 years, just enjoy the good things in life for the next 10 years by spending 100,000 nakfa per year. Sure enough you will die at the end of the 10 year, with out leaving a cent in debt or asset. So, Ali follows his plan and zooms through the 10 year period just as he planned. The problem, however, turned out to be he was nothing like close to dying at the end of the decade he spent in extravaganza. So, poor Ali, went back to the same cafe, sat down and after a long sigh, he said to himself “You see Ali, your plan was really perfect, except for some accounting errors!”

          • Tsahaye November 16, 2011


            Account errors indeed. If Ali had invested some of the money he had won, he might have built great wealth that would outlast the part of his remaining lifespan. The rest could have been passed on to his family to continue expanding their wealth and benefit the nation in many ways: creating employing people is one of them. This is an excellent story, and I hope some people from the followers of the warlords would take Ali’s experience to heart and learn from the grave errors he had made. They need to think about tomorrow and reject the sanction against Eritrea without hesitation. After all, the sanction is based on a fraudulent accounting and its intended goal is nothing but cripple Eritrea and destroy the hopes and aspirations of its people. PERIOD.

      • Huluf November 16, 2011


        Maaza is SENAIT, Maaza is ASTER, Maaza is every Eritrean woman who is no komarit but represents the spirit of the Eritrean woman fighers that have thrown grenades to the enemy and bursted klashinfogs unlike you born “Inda Swa” thus only know to ululate false heroes Maaza represents who most of Eritrean heroines now not to be seeen even in March 8 festivity……Watch every time you watch Woman’s day you are not going to see Brikti tanki, Gual Ankere, ….you will the same whores like you but happen to be women that were dating the Dergeu Generals and Colonels now have taken over the March 8 celebration just like you Zemach , Komaros own the women struggle …..thus you are privleaged to even debate with Maaza.

        • Kozami November 16, 2011

          woyane diplomacy at its best…

          • Huluf November 19, 2011

            You, Your DIA have no confidence in where your origin is thus you keep bringing people that have nothing to do with our Eritrean debate.

        • Maazza November 16, 2011

          Huluf hawey

          Eziatom guayla amelom eyu. I can’t believe their shouting and screaming victory because I have decided that I do not want to continue being mis-interpreted. I am going no where and will continue my crusade against the unlawful gangs, but not in discussion with the Kozamis and Tsahaye’s because they are not honest, in my book that is. They probably think they are gods, or at least they behave like that. The arrogance is obscene!
          The nice things you say for the very little I do is very encouraging Huluf. We have to continue to make ourselves heard not by the deliberately ‘deaf and blind’ but by others with whom we want to share our anguish over the unhappy situation of our homeland. It has happened to me several times, but if you can manage, try not to lose your cool and stoop to their level of arrogance and insult. They do drag one down, but the occasion itself should serve you and me and the others who think like us to learn how to ignore the belittling game and continue score the points we wish to make.

          Haftcka Maazza

        • Huluf November 19, 2011


          Maaza kemshima, abotatna kimseula- Teewwaf Yebireh Shim Yimereh, hence your Maaza, Taami, sweetness, ….on the contrary we have Kozami kem shimu….he is so in Kuzimuna he can not even hear right. He needs the 40 day traditional healing of Kuzimuna to recover I guess. There is no woman worrior like in Eritrea….No woman but Eritrean comabatants led platoons in wars captured tanks and stalin organs…call it…ambushed Generals in our capital cities in clandestine operations. …………..Kozami should handle you with respect.
          yes I agree Maaza is Aster, Maaza is Senait, Maaza is gual keshi, gual Haji every eritrean woman…a Heroine in her own right…..God bless you always.

          • Huluf November 19, 2011

            Maaza Haftey,

            I ain’t debating that is the reason I coined Abid Ibud….to speak his language, Kozami -Kozammmino, Higdef Denkero.

            I am proud of your level of reasoning and availing your pen to honest debate with them…believe me although they will not submit I will bet my money they respect you deeply. However, they have no substance or truth they begin to dube lies of connecting woyane and this and that. that is how they hide.

            Just to share not that I know more than you allow me how I read them.

  • Kozami November 15, 2011

    The Bee pt1
    Let me clarify by saying that I was referring to Iraqi Sanction effect post the first Gulf war (1991-1996). Iraq was not under occupation at the time. Similarly, we are discussing Economic Sanctions which is interpreted in the same way regardless of which country. It is a formula made up of Import sanctions, Export sanctions and arms embargo, commonly known as Comprehensive sanctions. The aim is in what you stated in blood curdling manner “If the people are cornered, they become desperate, and will do desperate things” Unfortunately, it doesn’t pan out like that at all. Far to the contrary, the hand of the government is strengthened (now that everything the government does is hailed as a ‘victory’), the people sensing obvious external threat clamor around the government, the weak and defenseless is routed and blamed on the aggressor and if opposing is impossible now, it becomes downright deadly then. All these have been corroborated by independent studies and facts show that no single government has ever been overthrown through sanctions.

    • Kozami November 15, 2011

      The Bee pt2
      However, the blood curdling way you’ve put it actually stops short of logic. To have a destitute mother who can not afford a pill for malaria to save her dying infant, can not give you the political freedom and democracy you crave for. She simply can not (not that she doesn’t want to!). How cruel, how heartless, how malevolent can you be to support something that would kill her physically and spiritually. In the cold and brute world of reason, it is the opposition who needs to reject the sanction and the government to care less for it would do it no harm. Yet, alas the sold out opposition had been played back and forth by the sadistic woyane for meager stipends, and here it is condemning the weak and fragile for the callous motto of “If the people are cornered, they become desperate, and will do desperate things”

  • Huluf November 19, 2011

    Maaza Haftey,

    Just to share not that I know more than you allow me how I read them.
    1. Most of these guys have grown up in nationalistic and culturalluy strong Eritrean family hence their love for the country. But albeit they have zero knowledge of the history of Eritrea, the histor of liberation of struggle and did not follow the developments post-independence.
    2. None of them were hafash Wedibat – EPLF mass organizaitons be it student, workers, youth….hence they are nouveau in this game usually afraid of the unknown as their experience does not teach how freedom is won….they think a leader bring it.
    3. They are new Higdefite innoculated with Eri Tv songs and drama followed by occassional festival and festivities which all of us can be proud of in it’s presentation except it lacks meaning in uniting it’s people….there they get their quarterly dosage.

    • Huluf November 19, 2011

      Maaza Haftey,

      4. These are people they think China and Russia love Eritrea but they have no clue for these countries it is cutting deals in their interest….e.g. Russia voted yes in the first sanction China obstained knowing it will have no impact to the security council objective. Only country who was at the security council memeber Libya is the one that voted NO.
      5. These are people that have no clue or will only use information to their desire(Kozami)….e.g Wikileaks story where the Chinese Ambassador is shocked that DIA is still infatuated with Mao and Communism. Mind you China and Russia are not top captialists economically.
      6. They are Eri Tv Parrots.

      • Huluf November 19, 2011


        Please read to mean: Russia, China are now top capitalist of the world….the are in the game…

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