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According to information coming out of the detention centers in Libya, taking advantage of the festive mood in the west, the Eritrean embassy there has been visiting several prisons in the country, with the aim of picking up “selected individuals” in its “wanted list”.

According to information coming out of the detention centers in Libya, taking advantage of the festive mood in the west, the Eritrean embassy there has been visiting several prisons in the country, with the aim of picking up “selected individuals” in its “wanted list”.

Swedish citizens with their origin in Eritrea sometimes are forced to pay two percent of their net income in tax to the Eritrean government writes Expressen. That is of course in addition to the ordinary Swedish taxes. The Eritrean embassy collects the lists of income for the tax office, that information is public.

Swedish citizens with their origin in Eritrea sometimes are forced to pay two percent of their net income in tax to the Eritrean government writes Expressen. That is of course in addition to the ordinary Swedish taxes. The Eritrean embassy collects the lists of income for the tax office, that information is public.