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Urgent Call by Cav. Dr. Tuolde T/Mariam (Wedi Vaccaro)

This is an urgent call to all Eritreans concerned with the need to change the dictatorial government in Asmara and the establishment of Justice and democracy in Eritrea.   [gview file=""]  

This is an urgent call to all Eritreans concerned with the need to change the dictatorial government in Asmara and the establishment of Justice and democracy in Eritrea.

Review overview
  • m April 30, 2014

    wake up my pepole now we must go fight to hgdef they will soon escaping like monkeysss

  • Alem April 30, 2014

    Thank you my brother wedi vacaro. Yes I am in. Enough Enough Enough.

  • m May 1, 2014

    we escape from our land like ratss, and we siting like monkeyss in America,Europe to be free, what a joke we are cowerds,liaress,selfish pepole only we talk a lot lelelelelelelelkkkkkkkkkk 20 yeaess we talk and we do only Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrra we we we but remember we are nothing only lelelele the only our hero is wadi ali forto, be man go fight to the dictator,and be free

  • Ambelay May 1, 2014

    Grate Wed I Vacaro, I hope you stay away from Ethiopian sponsorship revolutions.

  • Berhe Tensea May 2, 2014

    I hope that the herd will respond to what you stand for, for their own sake.

  • solomon May 5, 2014

    ብመጀመርያ ንዓኻን ንኩሉ ኤሪትራዊ ደላይ ፍትሒ ሰላምታይ አቅርበልክ

    ብምቅጻል ኣብ’ቲ ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ከተማታት መደረ ገለ በቲ ኣኼበና ዝተመርጹ ናይ ህዝቢ ሽማግለ ከምዝወጹ በቲ ሓደ ድማ ምሳና እትራከብ ባዕልና ኢና ነውጽ ትብል ኣብ ገለ ከተማታት ንስኻትኩም ወኪላት ኢኩም ኢልካ እዚ’ስ ካብ ህዝቢ
    ብህዝቢ ንእትብሎ መትከል ኣይጻረርን’ዶ ምሳና ዝራከብ ባዕልና ኢና ንመርጽ ክትብል ከለካ ንስኹም በዓል መን ኢኩም ምዓስን ኣበይ እተመስረትኩም ኢኩም?

    ዘይተባህለ እንተድኣ እብል ሃልየ’ድማ ነብሰይ ክእርም ድልዊ’የ ወድሓንኩም።

    ቃልስና ኣንጻር ምልክን ምልካዊ ኣተሓሳስባን ይቅናዕ ዘልኣለማዊ ዝክሪ ንስውኣት

  • takele May 6, 2014

    heros 10,000 km away kikikiki