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London Vigil in Honour of those murdered in Asmara on April 3rd 2016 and the urgent need for unified action

By Petros Tesfagiorgis The vigil organised by the youth took place at Hide Park Corner, Marble Arch on Saturday 9, 2016. In opening the meeting, the spokesperson of the organisers Sham Gabriel called for one minute

By Petros Tesfagiorgis

The vigil organised by the youth took place at Hide Park Corner, Marble Arch on Saturday 9, 2016. In opening the meeting, the spokesperson of the organisers Sham Gabriel called for one minute silence in remembrance of the martyrs who fell down fighting for freedom during the long years of struggle.

He said, “We are gathered here today to commemorate the victims of the shooting by soldiers in Asmara. Various sources have confirmed that some national Service Conscripts who tried to flee from the trucks transporting them to the Port of Assab- were shot in cold blood by soldiers guarding them.  A few including a child and a woman bystanders died on the spot and many remained injured.  We are also gathered here to express our indignation and condemn unequivocally the senseless killing and endless brutality perpetrated by the oppressive regime in Eritrea against its own people”.

Running up to the vigil, was the amazing interview the organisers did with the Eritrean Embassy Authorities in London.   Miriam September and Tsedal Yohannes – intercepted the Authorities at the door and asked them for information on those killed in Asmara.  Their response was, “there was no killing and it is you “Weyane” (-a term to character assassinate the opposition labelling them “Ethiopians”) who are fabricating all this misinformation to discredit the government.     Tzedal coolly and with respect answered them saying that she is a concerned Eritrean.  Miriam challenged their accusations in a similar way. The event was dramatic and watched by thousands on face book.   It was indeed an exposure of the blatant lie that symbolized the ideology of the PFDJ led government.

The Eritrean embassy staff in London soon realized their blunder and made U turn saying they are sorry of the “accident” in Tesfa-News, a journal that supports the Government.  Wanton killing is no new news at all.  It is done in line to the shoot to kill policy of Eritreans found crossing the border to Ethiopia and Sudan to escape repression. It has been going on for many years and there were many untold killings in the border.  Lots of truths about killings and disappearances is hidden in Eritrea.

When Sham Gabriel concluded his talk, several people took turns and expressed their sorrow and anger. After a while the condolences and condemnations turned into constructive criticism; basically of the lack of unity in the camp of justice seekers.  One  woman, ex-EPLF fighter, bitterly said “Listen I am  happy to attend such activities – I know  a lot of people who want to participate in activities that contributes to democratic change in Eritrea – but what I experience is that the organisations in UK are fragmented and allow me to say, it is the fault of the leadership. They failed to unite and so they can not bringing us together. First of all they must respect each other   and show cooperation so that they can win our support.” Her views was significant particularly coming from an ex-fighter who spend her youth in the armed struggle and find herself in exile running away from a country she helped to liberate.  She must have missed the culture of commitment, dedication and sacrifice and all those comradely relationship she had with her combatants in the field.

In reality these   fragmentations are recognized by many people and have tried many times to reconcile but failed to materialise. The mail reason is that there is a serious deficiency in the way Eritrean communities are structured in the United Kingdom, particularly in London. There are more than 20 civic associations/communities  in London alone in which a culture of  not to talk about the gross  human rights taking place in Eritrea is evolved  in order to appease the supporters of the Government who are members of the said communities/ associations. Any talk about violation of human rights or about giving material support and other humanitarians aid to refugees in Calais/France is taboo because it is politics.    Such mind-set provided a justification for members of    the associations to keep a blind eye to the pains and suffering of the refugees prosecuted in Israel, Libya and Egypt and those languishing in refugee camps   in Ethiopia and the Sudan. This culture absolutely corrupted the mind of thousands of Eritreans in UK and perpetuated the conspiracy of silence while the world has recognized the plight of Eritrean Refugee- as they watch on their TV screens- coffins of 369 Eritreans drowned in Lampedusa – Italy in October 2013 and is continuing to these days. Today the international community felt they have a moral duty to help their fellow humans and rose to the challenge to l help to refugees as we witnessed in the biggest demonstration of more than 300,000 “Welcoming Refugees” in the streets of London from Hide Park to the British parliament, putting pressure to the British Government to give sanctuary, protection to the destitute refugees and immigrants.   It is a shame there was only few Eritreans (see photo) in the sea of people demonstrating. The Organisers went to the extent to reserve a place for Eritreans in front of the marchers.

Why should the new refugees participate in activities that   calls for justice, rule of law and human rights, while nothing is done to help them in the time of their great need?  It is when they arrive in the UK that they need help the most in terms of getting houses, education and skill training etc.  The Eritrean communities in London do not do such things. Instead they expect them to be on the fore-front of the anti-government activities because they are the direct victims of repression. The justice seekers   get discouraged when few of them go to enjoy dancing events organised by the Embassy.    Unaware of that the elders complain of the absence of the youth in many meetings in London.  The truth is that  they cannot win the young  unless they  break from habits of thought developed in the past  and start to  see the world through the eyes of a generation just awakening to political life.

That is why   I am very happy to see the youth initiating the campaign to expose the murder in Eritrea.  Their actions was powerful. They are starting to be action oriented involving in activities that defines the destiny of Eritrea, their destiny, their future.     Having said so I would say they need to work in cooperation with the old generation and learn from their wisdom and invaluable experiences.  The Eritreans in Diaspora the middle class are much to blame for they have the resources’ but still they keep a blind eye to the suffering of refugees and keep their silence.

I conclude by thanking    Sham and his youth colleagues for arranging this historic vigil and gave rise to opening a dialogue of the way forward.

The end:

Review overview
  • Kahsay Ghebrehiwot April 12, 2016

    Bravo Petros, Brovo Londoners,

    This is how it should be not like Dr. Mehretab who brings all his in-laws, weds his daughters and then he says a long as I have my family and my wife’s family, I don’t care about other family’s kids. Now I understood why this lady Miriam Yacob decided to write about him. What kind of a doctor is he by the why? If he cares so much for the country, Why doesn’t he go home and work at the hospital.

    Take a look again at what Miriam wrote:

    ሓጻር መልእኽቲ ንዶክቶር ምሕረትኣብ ገብርሂወት (Chicago)
    ይቕረታ ድማ ንዶክቶር ኣርኣያ ደበሳይ።

    ዝኸበርካ ዶክቶር ምሕረትኣብ ገብረሂወት።

    ብመጀመሪያ ሰላምን ጥዕናን ነዓኻ፤ ንበዓልቲ ቤትካ፡ ንድቕኻን ንዞማታትካን ይምነየልካ። ምሳኻ ፍልጠተይ ናይ ነዊሕ ዓመታት ኢዩ። ኣብ ሰብዓታት በብግዜኡ ኪንራኸብ ከሎና ብዛዕባ ሀገር ዝነበረካ ስምዒትን ተገዳስነት ኣዝዩ ዚለዓለ ምንባሩ ይዝከረኒ። ኣባኻ ዚነበረኒ ኣድናቖትን ኣኽብሮትን ድማ ኣዚዩ ልዑል እዩ ኔሩ። ትምህርትኻ ብናይ ቲዮሎጂ (ቅሽነት) ስለዝነበረ ድማ ብሞራል ኩሉ ጊዜ ኣብ ዝለዓለ ጥርዚ ትርከብ ኔርካ። በዓል ሓዳርን ኣቦ 3 ኣዋልድን ዚኾንካ ሕጉስ ናብራ ከምዘሎካ እየ ዚፈልጥ። ፈቃርን ፈታዊ ስድራኡን ስለ ዚኾንካ ድማ ንዞማታትካ ኩሎም (ዳኒኤል፡ ክብረኣብ፡ መስፍን፡ ዳዊት፡ ኖህ) በብሓደ ናብ እዚ ዓዲ ኣምጺእካዮም። ደቅኻ ዓወት፤ ስምረትን እምነትን ጸለምቲ ኣመሪካውያን (African Americans) ተመርዕየን ጽቡቕ ሓዳር ከም ዘለወን ኢሰምዕ። ኣብ ናይ መነን መኻኑ ኣይዝክርን እምበር ኣብ ናይ ሓዲኤን መርዓ እውን ተኻፊለ ኔረ።

    ሕጂ እዛ መልእኽቲ ክጽሕፈልካ ዚገደደኒ ምኽንያት፡ ብመጀመሪያ፡ ቃለ መሕትት ናይ ዶክቶር ኣርኣያ ደበሳይ ኣብ “ሂወትና” ዚብል ናይ ኣሰና ፕሮግራም ምስ ሰማዕኩ ቀጺለ ድማ በዓል ነጻነት ኣብ ከተማ ሽካጎ ኢልካ ዚጸሓፍካዮ መልእኽቲ ምስ ኣንበብኩ እየ። ክሳብ ሕጂ ዘይመጽሓፍየይ ድማ እቲ ዶክቶር ኣርኣያ ደበሳይ ዝሃቦ ቃለ መጠይቕ ክሳብ ክንደይ ሓቅነት ከምዘሎዎ ክሓትት ስለ ዚደለኹ ኢየ። ንዶክቶር ኣርኣያ ኣይፈልጦን እየ። እንተኾነ ግን ንሱ ሓደ ካብቶም G13 ምንባሩ ከይተረዳኣኒ ብኪቱር ስሚዒት ኣብ ልዕለኡ ጽቡቕ ኣረኣያ ኣይነበረንን።

    ንእግሪ መንገደይ ግን ብመጀመሪያ ንዶክቶር ኣርኣያ ደበሳይ ይቕረታ ኪሓትት ይፈቱ። በቲ ንሃገርና ዝገበሮ ኣስተዋጽኦ ድማ ኤመስግኖ። ካብ ኩሉ ንላዕሊ ድማ ኪሰርሕ እየ ጥራይ ምባሉ ዘይኮነስ ንጌጋታት እውን ኪእርም ፈቲኑ። ኣነ ግን ብፍላይ እታ ኣብ ጊዜ ኩናት እተጻሕፈት ብናይ በርሊን ማነፈስቶ እትጽዋዕ ጽሕፍቲ ምስ ኣንበብኩ ብክቱር ስሚዒት ጸሊኤዮ ኔረ። ሕጂ ግን ጊዜ እንዳ ሓለፈ ምስ ከደ፤ ኩነታት ምስ በረሀ ኩሉ እቲ ዚጸሓፉዎ ቅኑዕ ምኻኑ ተረዲኤዮ። ደጊመ ድማ ይቕረታ ክሕቶ ይደሊ።

    ናብ ዶክቶር ምሕረትኣብ ክምለስ፡

    ኣብዘን ዝሓለፋ 15 ዓመታት ሀገርና ናብ ሕማቕ ኩነታት ኪትክይድ ርኢና። ክሳብ 2001፤ ዋላ እካ ሃገርና ኣብ ውግእ ትንበር፡ ኩላትና (ኣብ ውሽጢ ሀገርን ኣብ ወጻኢ ዚነበርናን) ሓቢርና መኪትና። ብድሕሪኡ ግን ዓመት ዓመት ኩነታት እንዳ ከፍኤ ከምዝኸደ ንኩሉና ብሩህ እዩ ኔሩ። መርሒና ኣቶ ኢሰያስ ኣፍወርቂ ስልጣን እንዳገበተን ከደ። ንብጾቱ ከሓደ። ናብራ እንዳ ከፈኤ ከደ። ካብ ኩሉ ዘሕዝን ግን ኣደታትና ጠምየን፡ ኣቦታትና ዝሕግዞም ሲኢኖም ደቕና ብብዝሒ ተሰዲዶም። ገሊኦም ኩሊቶም ተመንዚዖም፡ ገሊኤን ክብረተን ተደፊረን፡ ገሊኤን ኣብ ቀላይ ሓሪሰን። ትማሊ ትማሊ ድማ ቆልዑ ኣብ ማእከል ኣስመራ ተመንጢሎም። ዶክቶር ምሕረትኣብ እዚ እንዳረኣኻ እንታይ ኮንካ ጨኪንካ? ኣቦ ሰለስተ ኣዋልድ እንዶ ኣይኮንካን? ንስኻ ሎሚ ዓገብ ምበልካ ኢምበር ንስኻዶ ሎሚ ንጋይላ ምተቃራረብካ? እስኪ ንነብስኻ ኣብ ቦታ ናይ ዞም ዝተጎድኡ ስድራ ቤት ግበራ። ካብተን ደቅኻ ሓንቲኤን ማለት ዓወት ስምረት ወይ እምነት እንተ ዝምንጠላስ ንሳዕስዒት ምኸድካዶ? እዞም ደቆም ሲኢኖም ዘሎዉ ስድራቤታት ከማኻ ደቆም ከምዝፈትዉዎም ትዝንግዕ ኣይመስለንን። እዚ እንዳረኣኻስ ነዚ ኣብ ጉጉይ መገዲ ዘሎ መራሒና ክትድግፍ ብጣዕሚ ዘሕዝን እዩ።

    ዶክቶር ምሕረትኣብ ዓቢ ኢኻ፡ ናይ ዓበይቲ ስራሕ። ቀሽነት ተማሂርካ ኢኻ፡፤ ግፍዒ ክትርኢ ከሎኻ ተገፍዑ ምበልካ እምበር ንስኻ ሕጂ ሳዕስዒት ኣይምተራእየካን።

    ዓገብ ዶክቶር ምሕረትኣብ ዓገብ። ናብ ልብኻ ተመለስ።

    • Yonas kifle April 13, 2016

      Dr. Mihretab is not a medical Doctor. That is the sad story of eritrea. He is a priest. During struggle years, he did not want his in-laws to die. So he brought all of them to the US. Then he brought his relatives. Now when other kids are dieing he does not care. This begs to a big question. Where is his priesthood?

      -What did he learn when he studied all the way to PHD in theology?
      -If he loves the country this much, why did bring all his in-laws to the US?
      -Why doesn’t he asked them to join the struggle?
      -The writer indicated that he has three daughters and all of the are married
      African Americans. So this tells us if the daughters were born in the US and
      they are married to African Americans, then there is no chance for them to go to
      Eritrea. So i see he cares for his daughters and in-laws. But it is sad to see
      he does not see the suffering of other Eritrean familiesand kids.

      Can someone ask Father Mihretab to address this issue? Does anyone in Chicago know him well.

      It would be nice to know why such a loving holly father wanted to become “Aba Guayla”

      I am hoping someone in Chicago confront him and give us an update

  • Azezom April 12, 2016

    We’ll written article.

  • Sara April 13, 2016

    well done, in sweeden we will organise big one join us

  • Berhe Tensea April 13, 2016

    Thank you very much forthis noble work.

  • Berhe Tensea April 13, 2016

    Thank you very much for this very noble work.

  • Solomon April 14, 2016

    “ኣብዘን ዝሓለፋ 15 ዓመታት ሀገርና ናብ ሕማቕ ኩነታት ኪትክይድ ርኢና። ክሳብ 2001፤ ዋላ እካ ሃገርና ኣብ ውግእ ትንበር፡ ኩላትና (ኣብ ውሽጢ ሀገርን ኣብ ወጻኢ ዚነበርናን) ሓቢርና መኪትና።” – Miriam Yacob

    ኣንታ ገለ ሰባት’ሲ ተፈዊሶም ኣይፍወሱን እዮም። እግዝኣቢሄር ይግበረላ እኳ ሰጋብ በርሊን ማኒፌስቶ ምልስ ኢላ ክትርኢ ዝፈተነት። ሰብ ዓዓቕሙ ስለዝኾነ ዝገብር ግን ነዚውን ምስጋና ይግብኣ። እንተዘይኮይኑ ከምዚ ንሳ ዝገበረቶ መመሪጽካ እንተዅይኑ ንኽውንነታት ትቕበሎምን ትኣምነሎምን፣ ዶክቶር ምሕረትኣብ ገብረሂወት እውን ብምዓልቱ ከርክበና እዩ። ከምቲ ናታን ናይ ፕሮፌሶር ኣርኣያ ደበሳይን ሰባት ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ግዜ ዕግበቶም ከምዝቕይሩ እናፈልጥካ እቲ “ኩላትና” ዝብሃል ዘረባ ንባዕሉ ዕሽነት እዩ።

  • Huzun b Eritra April 14, 2016

    I do not understand what Solomon is saying. But here are undeniable facts

    1. If this man is a priest then he should be the first one to condemn the dictator
    2. If he is father of three, he knows what parenting means. So he should understand what
    other families are going through.
    3. If this priest brought four or five of his in-laws then opportunist. Eritreans in Chicago
    should confront him.
    Does anyone has a problem to see this? I also wonder what his in-laws are doing. Do they support the government after they saved their lives?